| Appendices > Permissions catalog > Students permissions

Students permissions

Permissions in this category pertain to viewing and recording student information [>>]. These permissions include:

= Access Inactive Students From Past Years permissions [>>]
= Access to SSN permission [>>]
= Add Students permission [>>]
= Add Student to Other Schools permission [>>]
= Assign Family permission [>>]
= Assign Homerooms permission [>>]
= Assign Multi-Values permission [>>]
= Assign Status Codes permission [>>]
= Awards permission [>>]
= Background Data permission [>>]
= Birth Certificate permission [>>]
= Contact Information permission [>>]
= Course recommendations and requests permission [>>]
= Course requests approval permission [>>]
= Date/Year Entered 9th Grade permission [>>]
= Delete Student from district permission [>>]
= Demographic Data permission [>>]
= Dental Screenings permission [>>]
= Distance From School permission [>>]
= Edit Enrollment for other schools [>>]
= Edit Address Validation Override Reason permission [>>]
= Edit Student Schedules permission [>>]
= Hearing Screenings permission [>>]
= Home Language Survey permission [>>]
= Legal Alert permission [>>]
= Lunch Status Panel permission [>>]
= Manage Student Enrollments permission [>>]
= Medical Alert permission [>>]
= [>>]
= Modify Counselor Assignment permission [>>]
= Modify Home School permission [>>]
= Override Honor Rolls permission [>>]
= Photos permission [>>]
= Receives Specialized Services Field permission [>>]
= Registration Information permission [>>]
= Resource Assignments permission [>>]
= Soc/Emotional Screenings permission [>>]
= State Student Number permission [>>]
= Student Address Phone permission [>>]
= Student Federal Info permission [>>]
= Student Health Conditions permission [>>]
= Student Health Examinations permission [>>]
= Student Health Immunizations permission [>>]
= Student Health Medication permission [>>]
= Student Health Office permission [>>]
= Student Health Pregnancy permission [>>]
= Student Health Profile permission [>>]
= Student Medical Info permission [>>]
= Student Overview permission [>>]
= Student Personal Info permission [>>]
= Student School Specific permission [>>]
= Student Standardized Tests permission [>>]
= Student Test Results - Assessment permission [>>]
= Student Test Results - Standard permission [>>]
= Vision Screenings permission [>>]
= Withdraw Student permission [>>]

Access Inactive Students From Past Years permissions

This permission controls the user's ability to find and work with past year student demographic information and to print past year transcripts. Note: To implement this permission, Number of years to allow school access to inactive students last owned by the school on the General Preferences page must be set to "1" or higher.


This permission provides access to past year student demographics and transcripts only; additional permissions must be set to edit enrollments and academic plans for past year students:

= To edit past year student enrollments, the Manage Student Enrollments permission [>>] must be set to Edit.
= To edit past year Academic Plans, the Student Academic Plan permission [>>] must be set to Edit.


= Yes: The Past Years' Student link appears in the Search menu. The user can search for past year students at their school, can view and edit demographic information for past years students, and can print previous year transcript reports.
= No: The Past Years' Student link is not visible in the Search menu and the user has no access to past year students at their school.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Access to SSN permission

This permission controls the user's ability to add or change data in the Social security # field on the Overview tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= Edit: The user can add and edit data in the Social security # field.
= View: The user can view but not add or edit data in the Social security # field.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with the Social security# field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: None
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Add Students permission

This permission controls the user's ability to register a new student [>>]. This permission does not control the user's ability to enroll students [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or Delete.


= Yes: The user can register a new student.
= No: The user cannot register a new student.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Add Student to Other Schools permission

This permission controls the user's ability to select from all district schools (rather than just the user's home school) for the School of Enrollment field on the Student Enrollment page [>>].


= None


= Yes: The user can select from all district schools.
= No: The user can select only his or her home school or no school ("N/A").

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: No
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Assign Family permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign a student to a family [>>].


= This permission takes effect only on a system that employs family management (which is enabled when the administrator installs PowerSchool SMS [>>]).
= The user's ability to edit family information is controlled by the Family Information permission [>>].


= Yes: The user can assign a student to a family.
= No: The user is unable to assign a student to a family. On the Family Overview page, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Add New and Add Existing buttons.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Assign Homerooms permission

This permission controls the user's ability to set or change a student's homeroom [>>].


= The user's ability to assign a homeroom to more than one student is controlled by the [>>].
= The user's ability to manually assign a homeroom on the Student Demographics page [>>] is controlled by the Student School Specific permission [>>].


= Yes: The user can set or change a student's homeroom.
= No: The user is unable to set or change a student's homeroom. On the Roster and Student Search results pages [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Transfer Homeroom selection in the Actions menu.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Assign Multi-Values permission

This permission controls the user's ability to add a value to one or more student records [>>] that can hold more than one value or change an existing value; for example, Federal Race.

To add a value to a field or change it:

1 On a page of Student Search results [>>], select one or more students.
2 In the Actions menu, click Assign > Assign Multi-Values. The Assign Multi-Values page appears.

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can add a value to a field or change it.
= No: The user is unable to add a value to a field. On a Student Search results page, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Assign > Assign Multi-Values selection in the Actions menu.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: Yes
= District Health Professional: No

Assign Status Codes permission

This permission controls the user's ability to update enrollment records for multiple students at once [>>].

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can update enrollment records for multiple students.
= No: The user cannot update enrollment records for multiple students.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Assign Values permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign a value to one student record field for one or more students; for example, Registration Grade Level.

To assign a value to a field for one or more students:

1 On a page of Student Search Results [>>], select one or more students.
2 In the Actions menu, click Assign > Assign Values. The Assign Values page appears.

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can assign a value to a student record field for one or more students.
= Yes: The user is unable to assign a value to a student record field for one or more students. On the Search Results page, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Assign Values selection in the Actions menu.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: Yes
= District Health Professional: No

Awards permission

This permission controls the user's ability to add, change, and delete award recipient lists, print awards, and view students' awards [>>].


= This permission applies only to a user whose role's scope is at the school level [>>].
= The user's ability to open the Student Demographics page [>>] (on which the Awards link is displayed) is controlled by Demographic Data permission [>>].
= The user's ability to create an award is controlled by the Award Setup permission [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, edit or delete award recipient lists and print awards. The user can also view a list of awards a student has received.
= Edit: The user can add or change, but not delete, award recipient lists and print awards.The user can also view a list of awards a student has received.
= View: The user can view, but not change, award recipient lists and print awards. The user can also view a list of awards a student has received.
= None: The user is unable to view award recipients. In the School menu, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Awards link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: Delete
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Background Data permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with students' background information [>>], primarily for program management purposes [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or Delete.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's background information.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's background information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's background information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], in the control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Background Data link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Birth Certificate permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a scanned birth certificate stored on the student's demographic record [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or Delete.
= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Student Personal Info permission [>>] must be View or Delete.


= Delete: The user can upload a scanned birth certificate to a student's demographic record, replace the uploaded certificate, or delete the uploaded certificate.
= Edit: The user can upload a scanned birth certificate to a student's demographic record or replace the uploaded certificate.
= View: The user can view but not change the birth certificate on a student's demographic record.
= None: Same as View

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: Delete
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Contact Information permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with students' contacts [>>] [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or Delete.


= Delete: The user can add, change, or delete a student's contacts.
= Edit: The user can add or change, but not delete, a student's contacts.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's contacts.
= None: The user does not have access to a student's contact. On the Student Demographics page [>>], on the School Specific tab, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Contact Information panel. In the control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Contacts link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Course recommendations and requests permission

This permission controls the user's ability to make course recommendations for the purpose of online course requests [>>].


= This permission applies only to a user whose role's scope is at the school level [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, change, or delete a course recommendation.
= Edit: The user can add or change a course recommendation.
= View: The user can view but not change a course recommendation.
= None: The user does not have access to a course recommendations.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: None
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: Edit
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Course requests approval permission

This permission controls the user's ability to approve an online course request [>>] submitted by a student through ParentCONNECTxp.


= This permission applies only to a user whose role's scope is at the school level [>>].


= Yes: The user can approve an online course request.
= No: The user approve an online course request.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Date/Year Entered 9th Grade permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the Year/Date Entered 9th Grade field [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or View.
= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Student Personal Info permission [>>] must be Edit or View.


= Edit: The user can record or delete information in this field.
= View: The user can view but not change information in this field.
= None: The user is unable to view this field. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Delete Student from district permission

This permission controls the user's ability to delete students from the district [>>].

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can delete a student from the district.
= No: The user is unable to delete a student from the district.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Demographic Data permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with student demographic information [>>]. This permission supersedes all other student permissions.


= The user's ability to work with Student Address/Phone information on the Student Demographics page [>>] is controlled by the Student Address Phone permission [>>].
= The user's ability to work with Student Federal Info information on the Student Demographics page [>>] is controlled by the Student Federal Info permission [>>].
= The user's ability to work with Student Overview information on the Student Demographics page [>>] is controlled by the Student Overview permission [>>].
= The user's ability to work with Student Personal information on the Student Demographics page [>>] is controlled by the Student Personal Info permission [>>].
= For a user whose role's scope is only at the school level [>>] to work School Specific information on the Student Demographics page, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can add, change, or delete a student's demographic information.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's demographic information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's demographic information.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Edit

Dental Screenings permission

This permission enables users to work with students' dental health information [>>] .

To work with information about a student's dental screenings:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Screenings, then click Dental. The Dental page appears.


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or View.


= Delete: The user can add, change, or delete a student's dental health information.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's dental health information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's dental health information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], in the control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Dental link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Distance From School permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the Distance From School field in the School Specific tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or View.
= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be Edit or Delete.


= Delete: The user can view, change, or delete information in the Distance From School field.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change the information in the Distance From School field.
= None: The user is unable to view the Distance From School field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Edit Enrollment for other schools

This permission controls the user's ability to edit a student enrollment record for another school .


= The user can delete a student enrollment record at another school ony if the setting for the Manage Student Enrollments permission [>>] permission is "Yes".  


= Yes: The user can view or change a student enrollment record at another school (with the exception of the record's Grade and School of Enrollment fields).
= No: The user is able to view but not change a student enrollment record at another school.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: None
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Edit Address Validation Override Reason permission

This permission controls the user's ability to record a reason for an address exception for a student who is enrolling in an out-of-zone school .


= This permission applies only to a system that employs address validation [>>] .
= For the user to view the Registration/Enrollment Search page, the setting for the Add Students permission [>>] must be Yes.


= Yes: The user can view or change the exception reason.
= No: The user is unable to view the exception reason. On the Edit Status Code page, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Exception Reason field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Edit Student Schedules permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's schedule [>>], including making course requests [>>].

To work with a student's schedule:


= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For information about controlling access to resource assignments on the Student Schedule page, refer to the Student School Specific permission [>>].


= Yes: The user can view and change a student's schedule.
= No: The user is unable to view a student's schedule. In the control bar of the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Schedule link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Hearing Screenings permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with information on student hearing [>>] .

To work with information about a student's hearing screenings:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Screenings, then click Hearing. The Hearing page appears.


= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's hearing records.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's hearing information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's hearing information. On the Student Demographics page, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Hearing link in the control bar.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Home Language Survey permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with information on a student record's Home Language Survey panel [see Student Demographics: Federal Info >>].


= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's Federal Info tab, the setting for the Student Federal Info permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user is able to change the information in the Home Language Survey panel.
= View: The user is able to view but not change the information in the Home Language Survey panel.
= None: The user is unable to view the Home Language Survey panel. On the Student Demographics page's Federal Info tab, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Home Language Survey panel.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Legal Alert permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with vital legal information about the student. This information is stored in a student record's Legal Information panel [>>].


= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user is able to view and change a student's legal information.
= View: The user is able to view but not change a student's legal information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's legal information. On the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Legal Information panel.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: View
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: None

Lunch Status Panel permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's lunch status. This information is stored in a student record's Lunch Information panel [see Student records >>].


= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can change a student's lunch status.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's lunch status.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's lunch status. On the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Lunch Information panel.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Manage Student Enrollments permission

This permission controls the user's access to the Enrollments page [>>], the ability to adjust a student's enrollments


= Delete: The user can work with a student's enrollments on the Enrollments page.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's enrollments.
= None: The user is unable to view the Enrollments page.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Medical Alert permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's vital medical information. This information is stored in a student record's Medical Info tab [>>].


= The effect of this permission depends on the setting for the Student Medical Info permission [>>].
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can work with a student's vital medical information.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's vital medical information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's vital medical information. On the Student Demographics page's Medical Info tab, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Medical Alert field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Edit

Modify Counselor Assignment permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change the school counselor [>>] assigned to one or more students [see Student records >>] [see also Assigning an academic plan >>].

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can change the school counselor assigned to one or more students.
= No: The user is unable to change the school counselor assigned to one or more students.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Modify Home School permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the Home School field in the School Specific tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For the user to view the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's Overview tab, the setting for the Student Overview permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can view and change the information in the Home School field.
= No: The user can view but not change the information in the Home School field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Override Honor Rolls permission

This permission controls the user's ability to add a student to an honor roll for which that student is not eligible [>>].

To work with an honor roll:

1 In the Admin menu, click Grading. The Grading page appears.
2 Under Step 7, click Calculate Honor Rolls. The Honor Rolls page appears.

To view a student's honor roll membership:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Honor Rolls. The Student Honor Rolls page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with an honor roll, at least one Honor Roll Definition must exist [>>] and the setting for the Honor Rolls permission [>>] must be Edit.
= For this permission to be effective, the user must have access to the Grading page [see Grading permissions >>] or the Student Demographics page's Grading control bar links.


= Yes: The user can add, edit, or delete student honor rolls for which the student is not eligible. The user can unassign a student for which an override exist on the Manage Honor Rolls page.
= No: The user is unable to save a student honor roll if that student is not eligible for that honor roll. The user cannot unassign a student for which an override exist on the Manage Honor Rolls page

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Photos permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with student photos [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's Overview tab, the setting for the Student Overview permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab, the setting for the Student School Specific permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can upload, edit, and delete student photos.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not upload or change student photos.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with student photos.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: Delete
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Receives Specialized Services Field permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the Receives Specialized Services check box and date field in the Overview tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's Overview tab, the setting for the Student Overview permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can view and change the Receives Specialized Services check box and date field.
= View: The user can view but not change the Receives Specialized Services check box and date fields.
= None: The user is unable to view the Receives Specialized Services check box and date field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Registration Information permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's registration information once that student is registered [>>].


= For the user to register a new student, the setting for the Add Students permission [>>] must be Yes.


= Edit: The user can work with a student's registration information.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's registration information.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with a student's registration information.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Resource Assignments permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with resource assignments [>>] . The assignments are recorded the Resource Roster page and on the Student Schedule page.

To work with resource assignments:

1 In the Admin menu, click Scheduling. The Scheduling page appears.
2 Under Step 7, click Resource Roster. The Resource Roster page appears.

To work with a student's resource assignments:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Schedule. The Student Schedule appears.


= For the user to work with a student's schedule, the setting for the Edit Student Schedules permission [>>] must be Yes.
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= The user's ability to view the Resource Services page is controlled by the Resource Services permission [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, edit, or delete resource assignments.
= Edit: The user can add or edit resource assignments but not delete them.
= View: The user can view but not change resource assignments.
= None: The user is unable to work with resource assignments. On the Scheduling page, PowerSchool SMS disables the Resource Roster link. On the Student Schedule page, the user can view a list of assignments but not the details of those assignments.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: Delete
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Soc/Emotional Screenings permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with information about a student's social or emotional issues. This information is stored on the Soc/Emotional page [>>].

To work with information about a student's social or emotional issues:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Screenings, then Soc/Emotional. The Soc/Emotional page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete information about a student's social or emotional issues.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change information about a student's social or emotional issues
= None: The user is unable to view information about a student's social or emotional issues. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Screenings link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

State Student Number permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the information in the State Number field in the Overview tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to view the Student Demographics page's Overview tab, the setting for the Student Overview permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete information in a student record's State Number field.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change the information in a student record's State Number field.
= None: The user is unable to view the State Number field.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: View
= District Health Professional: View

Student Address Phone permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's contact information. This information is stored in the Address/Phone tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can add, edit, and delete information in a student record's Address/Phone tab.
= View: The user can view but not change information in a student record's Address/Phone tab.
= None: The user is unable to view a student record's Address/Phone tab.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Edit

Student Dose Quick Entry permission

This permission controls the user's ability to enter immunization dose records on the Dose Quick Entry page .


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can enter immunization information on the Dose Quick Entry page.
= No: The user cannot enter immunization information on the Dose Quick Entry page.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: Yes
= District Health Professional: Yes

Student Federal Info permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the information in the Federal Info tab of the Student Demographics page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with the Home Language Survey panel on the Federal Info tab of the Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Home Language Survey permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can add, edit, and delete information on the Federal Info tab.
= View: The user can view but not change information on the Federal Info tab.
= None: The user is unable to view the Federal Info tab on the Student Demographics page [>>].

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Edit

Student Health Conditions permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with information on a student's health conditions [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Conditions page.

To work with a student's health condition information:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Conditions. The Conditions page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete information on a student's health conditions.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change information on a student's health conditions.
= None: The user is unable to view information on a student's health conditions. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Conditions link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Examinations permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's health examinations records [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Examinations page.

To work with a student's health examination records:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Examinations. The Examinations page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's health examinations records.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change a student's health examinations records.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's health examinations records. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Examinations link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Immunizations permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's health immunization records [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Immunizations page.

To work with a student's immunization records:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Immunizations. The Immunizations page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user is able to add, edit, or delete a student's health immunization records.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user is able to view but not change a student's health immunization records.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's health immunization records. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Immunizations link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Medication permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's medication information [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Medication page.

To work with a student's medication information:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Medications. The Medication page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's medication information.
= Edit: The same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's medication information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's medication information. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Medications link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Office permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with records of a student's visits to the school health office [>>] . This information is stored on the Health Office page.

To work with records of a student's health office visits:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Health Office. The Health Office page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete records of a student's health office visits.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change records of a student's health office visits.
= None: The user in unable to view records of a student's health office visits. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Health Office link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Pregnancy permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's pregnancy tracking information [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Pregnancy page.

To work with a student's pregnancy tracking information:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Pregnancy. The Pregnancy page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's pregnancy tracking information.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change a student's pregnancy tracking information.
= None: The user in unable to view a student's pregnancy tracking information. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Pregnancy link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Health Profile permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's health profile [>>] . This information is stored on the Edit Student Health Profile page.

To work with a student's health profile:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Profile. The Health Profile page appears.


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's health profile.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: The user can view but not change a student's health profile.
= None: The user in unable to view a student's health profile. On the Student Demographics page's control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Health Profile link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Medical Info permission

This permission control's the user's ability to work with a student's general medical information such as emergency contacts, current status, and insurance coverage. This information is stored on the Student Demographics page's Medical Info tab [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with the Medical Info tab's Medical Alert field, the setting for the Medical Alert permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Edit: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's general medical information.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's general medical information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's general medical information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Medical Info tab.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Overview permission

This permission control's the user's ability to work with a student's general information such as name, birth date, and home school. This information is stored on the Student Demographics page's Overview tab [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with some of the information on the Overview tab, a setting of View or Edit is required for particular permissions, including: Modify Home School permission [>>], Photos permission [>>], Receives Specialized Services Field permission [>>], State Student Number permission [>>].


= Edit: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's general information.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's general information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Overview tab.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Personal Info permission

This permission control's the user's ability to work with a student's general personal information such as birth certificate, citizenship, date entered the 9th Grade, and place of birth. This information is stored on the Student Demographics page's Personal Info tab [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with some of the information on the Personal Info tab, a setting of View or Edit is required for particular permissions, including: Birth Certificate permission [>>], Date/Year Entered 9th Grade permission [>>]


= Edit: The user is able to add, edit, and delete a student's general personal information.
= View: The user is able to view but not change a student's general personal information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's general personal information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Personal Info tab.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student School Specific permission

This permission control's the user's ability to work with a information specific to a student's school of enrollment, such as grade level, homeroom, and lunch status. This information is stored on the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to work with some of the information on the School Specific tab, a setting of View or Edit is required for particular permissions, including: Distance From School permission [>>], Lunch Status Panel permission [>>], Modify Home School permission [>>], Photos permission [>>]


= Edit: The user is able to add, edit, and delete information specific to a student's school of enrollment.
= View: The user is able to view but not change information specific to a student's school of enrollment
= None: The user is unable to view information specific to a student's school of enrollment. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the School Specific tab.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Student Standardized Tests permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's standardized test results. PowerSchool SMS stores this information on the All Tests for Student page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= This permission is effective only on a system that employs legacy tests functionality which is set in General Preferences .
= Test Management is controlled by other permissions: Define Tests - Assessment permission [>>] and Define Tests - Standard permission [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete a student's standardized test results.
= Edit: The user can add or edit a student's standardized test results.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's standardized test results.
= None: The user in unable to view a student's standardized test results.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: Edit
= School Secretary: Edit
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Student Test Results - Assessment permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with test results for tests that have been assigned to the test category group "Assessment". PowerSchool SMS stores this information on the Student Test Results page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user is able to add, edit, and delete a student's test results for tests in the test category "Assessment".
= Edit: The user is able to add or edit a student's test results for tests in the test category "Assessment".
= View: The user can view but not change a student's test results for tests in the test category "Assessment"
= None: The user is unable to view a student's test results. On the Student Test Results page, PowerSchool SMS does not display test results for tests in the test category "Assessment".

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Student Test Results - Standard permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with test results for tests that have been assigned to the test category group "Standard". PowerSchool SMS stores this information on the Student Test Results page [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user is able to add, edit, and delete a student's test results for tests in the test category "Standard".
= Edit: The user is able to add or edit a student's test results for tests in the test category "Standard".
= View: The user can view but not change a student's test results for tests in the test category "Standard"
= None: The user is unable to view a student's test results. On the Student Test Results page, PowerSchool SMS does not display test results for tests in the test category "Standard".

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Vision Screenings permission

This permission enables users to work with students' vision health information [>>].

To work with information about a student's vision screenings:

1 Locate and view a student record [>>]. The Student Demographics page [>>] appears.
2 In the control bar, click Health Tracking. The Health Profile page appears.
3 In the control bar, click Screenings, then click Vision. The Vision page appears.


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be Edit or View.


= Delete: The user can add, change, or delete a student's vision health information.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's vision health information.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's vision health information. On the Student Demographics page [>>], in the control bar, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Vision link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: Edit
= District Health Professional: Delete

Withdraw Student permission

This permission enables the user to withdraw a student from a school [>>].

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user has access to the Withdraw button on the Add/Edit School Enrollment page. The user can also edit a student's withdrawal end date and end status.
= No: The user cannot edit a student's withdrawal end date and end status.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

Copyright 2015-2016 PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. All trademarks are either owned or licensed by PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliates.