| Student management > Student records > Student record: Family

Student record: Family

This view of a student record [>>] displays the student's family. In PowerSchool SMS, a family consists of a group of one or more related students (siblings).

The criteria for determining siblings within a family differ from district to district. Typically, brothers and sisters, are considered siblings. However, step-brothers or sisters who live in different homes may or may not be considered siblings in the same family. See also Student record: Contacts [>>].

Note: if you are upgrading to PowerSchool SMS 8.4.3 from a version prior to version 8.0, there is a SQL script available from the support site that districts using the Family Management feature can run after the upgrade. This SMS80_Sibling Convert script will bring over a student's contacts and siblings from his or her Family Unit and populate the Contacts and Siblings lists in the students Contact record. The script also generates a list of affected students. For further information, see Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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