| Student management > Grading > Running grading calculations > Calculating honor rolls

Calculating honor rolls

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

Honor rolls list students who have met specific academic requirements. The honor roll functionality available in PowerSchool SMS allows your school to set up rules that determine students' honor roll eligibility.

Eligibility is determined using a wide variety of criteria, including grades, GPAs, attendance, and test results. At the end of each report card period, eligibility is calculated and the resulting list of students is assigned to the honor roll.

Honor rolls are only available for secondary schools.

Before getting started, ensure you have the necessary permissions.


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Manage honor rolls, including calculating honor rolls

Grading > Honor Rolls



Assign students to honor rolls

Grading > Honor Rolls



Assign ineligible students to honor rolls

Students > Override Honor Rolls



Run the Honor Rolls Report

Reporting > Honor Roll Report



When calculating honor rolls, the system verifies that all students on the honor roll are still eligible. Students might have been eligible when they were first added to an honor roll, but their attendance or grades may have slipped, making them ineligible. In addition, the eligibility criteria associated with an honor roll might also have changed.

When the honor roll calculation is complete, all eligible students are assigned to the honor roll. To view students on the honor roll, see Defining honor rolls [>>].

Note: When you calculate eligibility for honor rolls, PowerSchool SMS looks at grades earned at the school that is running eligibility. So if a student is dual-enrolled in the district, only the grades he or she earned at the school that is running eligibility will be counted.

To calculate honor rolls

Working with Student Honor Rolls

When working with honor rolls, you first determine eligibility. If the student is eligible, you assign the student to an honor roll.

If your district is using honor roll overrides, and you have the appropriate permissions, you can assign an override reason code to students who were deemed ineligible for the honor roll. For example, a student might be ineligible due to poor attendance, but if their poor attendance record is due to illness and the student has achieved the required GPA, you can assign an appropriate override code and still place the student on the honor roll. You might also have a student who has achieved the eligibility criteria but because of disciplinary problems you want to remove him from the honor roll. For this student, assign an override reason code and remove the eligible student from the honor roll.

To work with a student honor roll assignment[SA]

Figure 74: Edit Honor Roll assignment

A Calculate Eligibility - To determine whether the student is eligible for the selected honor roll, click the Calculate Eligibility link.
B Eligibility - Indicates the student's eligibility status.

Calculating Honor Roll Eligibility

When you assign students to an honor roll, first calculate their eligibility, then place them on the appropriate honor roll. Typically, students are placed on honor rolls at the end of a report card period.

You can also recalculate eligibility for a student partway through the report card period. For example, if a student was ineligible for an honor roll when you initially tried to assign them at the start of the term but the student has since improved their attendance record, you can re‑assess the student's eligibility.

You can calculate honor roll eligibility for individual students or a group of students.

To calculate honor roll eligibility for a student:[SA]
To calculate honor roll eligibility for a group of students:[SA]

Managing Honor Rolls

When working with honor rolls, you can assign and unassign students as needed. You can also view students who are eligible for the selected honor roll and those who are currently assigned to the selected honor roll.

To manage honor rolls:[SA]


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