| Scheduling > Common scheduling tasks > Assigning resource services

Assign resource service

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

A resource service is specialized assistance or instruction, such as Remedial Reading, Remedial Math, Speech Therapy, Gifted and Talented Enrichment, provided to a single student or a small group. Typically, a specialist teacher delivers such services, often moving from school to school to do so. The specialist teacher delivers the service through an existing class (an "inclusion", typically in a related subject) or in an existing class's time slot but as a separate "pull-out" session.

As a School Administrator, you assign resources services to students. Drawing on a list of such services set up for use at the school [>>], you can assign a service to one or more students at a time. Note: You can assign a resource service only in the Active Calendar [>>].

To assign a resource service to a student [ SA]:

Figure 399: Student Schedule: resource assignment

A Resource assignment indicator
To remove a resource service assigned to a student: [SA]

Resource service setup

You can set up resource services for use in the school.

To set up a resource service: [SA]

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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