| Student management > Health tracking at the school > Working with screening records

Working with screening records

Use PowerSchool SMS to track student mandatory or optional health screenings. Create and manage screening records for vision, hearing, dental, and social/emotional issues.

Adding and editing vision screening information

Vision screening records enable you to record and monitor any problems students may have with their vision, including the eye exam date, providers, diagnosis, and vision solution.

To add and edit vision screening information:[SA][SHP]

Adding and editing hearing screening information

Use the hearing screening pages to record information about students hearing exams, including exam dates, results, and provider names.

To add and edit hearing screening information:[SA][SHP]

Adding and editing dental screening information

Track dental information for students, such as their oral health history, the nature of their current dental work, and the dental provider

To add and edit dental screening information:[SA][SHP]

Adding and editing social/emotional screening records

Record information about student's social and emotional issues.

To add and edit social/emotional screening records:[SA][SHP]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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