| Appendices > Permissions catalog > Academic Planning permissions

Academic Planning permissions

Permissions in this category pertain to use and creation of academic plans [>>]. These permissions include:

= Graduation Plans [>>]
= Mass Assign Academic Plan permission [>>]
= Override Student Academic Plan Version permission [>>]
= Student Academic Plan permission [>>]
= Student Academic Plan Notes permission [>>]

Graduation Plans

This permission controls the user's ability to access the Graduation Plans page. Note: If you are a new customer, do not set up Graduation Plans; rather, use the Academic Planner functionality [>>]. Graduation Plan functionality will be discontinued in a future version of PowerSchool SMS.

Mass Assign Academic Plan permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign an academic plan to more than one student at a time [>>].

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can assign an academic plan to more than one student at a time.
= No: The user is able to assign an academic plan to only one student at a time.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Override Student Academic Plan Version permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change a student's assigned academic plan [>>], which can be "in progress".

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can change the academic plan assigned to a student.
= No: The user is unable to change the academic plan assigned to a student.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Student Academic Plan permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign an academic plan to a student and work with its information [>>].


= The setting for this permission takes precedence over that of the Student Academic Plan Notes permission [>>].


= Delete: The user can assign an academic plan to a student and work with it.
= Edit: The user can assign an academic plan to a student and work with its information with the exception of deleting a Note or an Alert.
= View: The user can view but not change the academic plan assigned to a student and its information.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with the academic plan assigned to a student.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Student Academic Plan Notes permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with the notes attached to a student's academic plan [>>].


= The setting for the Student Academic Plan permission [>>] takes precedence over this permission. For this permission to be effective, its setting must be the same or less restrictive than that of the Student Academic Plan permission [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, edit, and delete notes attached to student's academic plan.
= Edit: The user can add and edit notes attached to student's academic plan.
= View: The user can view but not change notes attached to student's academic plan.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with notes attached to student's academic plan.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: View
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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