| District setup > Academic plan setup

Academic plan setup

As a District Administrator, you can create one or more academic plans [>>] for use in the district. To create a plan, you create an academic plan and then create versions of that plan. Typically, each plan version corresponds to a specific year or range of years. It is the plan version that a School Administrator assigns to a student [>>]. To facilitate assignment to students, you can designate one plan as the default for the district. Note: Academic plans replace graduation plans. If necessary, PowerSchool Support can help you convert existing graduation plans to academic plans and assign them to students.

Setting up an academic plan involves:

= Setting up an academic plan and its versions [>>].
= Selecting courses for an academic plan version [>>].
= Setting course credit assignment priority [>>].
= [Optional] Setting aptitude and achievement requirement rules [>>].
= [Optional] Designating an academic plan as the district default [>>].

Table 69: Permissions pertaining to academic plan setup


You need this permission

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District > Academic Plan Setup



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District > Academic Plan Setup



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