| Student management > Student records > Student record: Test Results

Student record: Test Results

The Student Test Results view of a student record [>>] displays a list of all the student's test results, including the test date, the school at which the test was taken, the student's grade level, if the test was waived, and any comments. Information includes:

= Test date: The date on which the test was taken.
= School name: The location of the test session. Choices include "Home School", "In district school", "Out of district school". If you select the "Out of district school", type the school's name in the box below the selection.
= Grade level: The grade level of the student on the date of the test.
= Waived: Indicates that the student has a waiver for the test
= Comment: Comments on the student's overall test results.

Note: Before you can add, edit, or view test results for students, a District Administrator must first set up the tests used in the district and add test session information [>>].

Note: Typically a teacher does not have permission to enter test results.

To add test results for a student:[SA, DA]

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