| District setup > Implementing PowerSchool SMS > Setting up Test Management

Setting up Test Management

Use PowerSchool SMS to record the results of any district or regional test, state-wide and national tests, and college entry exams.

Note: The legacy "Test Scores" component continues to be available in PowerSchool SMS. To disable , select Disable Legacy Test Component in General Preferences.

Capturing test results in PowerSchool SMS using the Test Management feature area is a three-part process:

1 The district sets up a definition for each test, which includes what subtests and skills are included, what score types are captured, and what grade levels can take the test and subtests.
2 Once the tests have been defined, the district also sets up test sessions, which group together test results in ways that are meaningful for reporting purposes. For high-stakes tests, such as K-12 assessment tests mandated by the state, the district can set up a test session for each major offering of the test; for low-stakes tests that are administered on a daily basis, the district can set up a single test session that spans the entire calendar.
3 Finally, once students have taken the test, their results are entered into PowerSchool SMS. The test definitions determine what information is captured for each test, and the test sessions group together students who have taken the test under the same set of circumstances.For details about entering student test results once setup is complete, see Student record: Test Results [>>].

Permissions to set up tests and test sessions

To set up tests and test sessions, you must have the following permissions:


You need this permission

Set to


Add items to test-related Setup Lists

Setup Lists > Test Management > Test Code

Setup Lists > Test Management > Test Category

Setup Lists > Test Management > Score Type

Setup Lists > Test Management > Subtest Name

Setup Lists > Test Management > Skill

Setup Lists > Test Management > Test Use

Setup Lists > Test Management > Test Subject Content

Setup Lists > Test Management > Norm Type

Setup Lists > Test Management > Norming Period

Setup Lists > Test Management > Exemption Reason



Add, change, or delete tests and test sessions

Test Management > Define Tests



Import student test results

Import > Schedule Import


Import > Template Editor Yes [>>]

Add, change, or delete student test results

Students > Student Test Results - Assessment



Students > Student Test Results - Standard Delete [>>]

Populating Setup Lists for tests

There are several Setup Lists used in the pages on which you define your district-level tests. These Setup Lists – tests, subtests, skills, score types, test categories, etc. – are pre-populated with a large number of standard items. This will both assist you in getting started with test setup right away, and standardize the use of the Test Management feature area across implementations.

However, there are some Setup Lists that are not pre-populated, as their use is defined differently for each state and district. Also, some populated Setup Lists may not contain items you want to use. Before starting test setup, you should therefore check the test-related Setup Lists to ensure that all required items have been added. If any are missing, you can easily add the new items.

Test Management Setup Lists

[Table 58] outlines the Setup Lists that are used by Test Management and provides examples of the kind of entries they contain:

Table 58: Test management Setup Lists

Setup List

Type of Items to Enter


Test Code

Names of tests

= SAT- Scholastic Aptitude Test

= FCAT- Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test

= ITBS- Iowa Tests of Basic Skills

Test Category

Types of tests

= K-12 Assessment

= English Language Proficiency

= College Placement

Grade Level

Grades in your district

= K

= 1

= 2

= 20

= N/A

Score Type

Ways in which test scores can be expressed as a numeric value

= Raw score

= Percent of items correct

= Percentile

= Grade equivalent

= Scaled score

= Standard score

= Stanine

= Normal curve equivalent

= Equated score

Subtest Name

Names of subtests (subsets of a test)

= Verbal

= Math

= Reading

= Writing

= Science

Skill Name

Names of skills (subsets of a subtest)

= Reading comprehension

= Sentence completion

= Probability

= Scientific thinking

Test Use

How the test is used in your district

= Aptitude testing

= State requirements

Test Subject Content

The main subject of the test

= Mathematics

= Writing

Norm Type

Types of averaging that can be applied to a test

= annual user norms

= national probability sample

= state norms

Norming Period

Times of year that can be applied to the norming

= spring

= summer

= fall

= winter

Exemption Reason

Reasons for students not taking a test

= Parental request

= Board of Education waiver

= IEP waiver

= Absent

= Unusual circumstances

= ESL waiver

For information about working with Setup Lists, see Working with Setup Lists [>>].

Defining tests

After you ensure the test-related Setup Lists are complete, you are ready to define the tests that will be used to capture student test results, which involves:

= Setting up tests [>>]
= Setting up subtests [>>]
= Setting up skills [>>]

Setting up tests

The process of setting up a test involves defining the overall properties for the test, and specifying which score types (e.g., raw score, percentile, etc.) will be captured for that test when the results come in.

To setup a test:[DA][SA]

Setting up score types

Tests, subtests, and skills define the type of score used, either numeric or alpha.

To add a test score types for the test:[DA][SA]

Setting up subtests

If necessary, you can also add subtests to a test (e.g., Verbal and Math for the SAT), with their own score types.

To add subtests to a test:[DA][SA]

Setting up skills

If you want to capture test results at an even more granular level, you can add skills to the subtests (e.g., algebraic reasoning for the Math subtest), and define skill-specific score types.

To add a skill to a subtest:[DA][SA]

Setting up test sessions

After tests have been defined, the district can set up test sessions to manage how students take tests. Before you can add, edit, or view test results for students, you must create test sessions.

To add a test session:[DA][SA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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