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Import permissions
Permissions in this category pertain to importing data into a system [>>]. These permissions include:
Import Address Ranges permission
This permission controls the user's ability to import address ranges for use in address validation [>>]
. For detailed information about importing, refer to Importing data [>>].
For control of the user's ability to create a template for address ranges, refer to the Template Editor permission [>>].
For control of the user's the ability to schedule an import, refer to the Schedule Import permission [>>].
Yes: The user can import address ranges.
No: The user cannot import address ranges. On the Schedule Import page, the user can schedule the import and PowerSchool SMS will complete it on schedule however PowerSchool SMS will report errors—in the error log, PowerSchool SMS will record that the user did not have permission to perform the import.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: No
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Import Custom Student Data permission
This permission controls the user's ability to import information into some custom fields created using Custom Data Management (Student Data) in cTools [>>], specifically into custom multi-select lists, custom repeating groups, or custom chronological groups.
This permission does not control the ability to import all types of custom data:
The Import Student Demographics permission [>>] control's the user's ability to import data into custom Basic tables.
The Schedule Import permission [>>] control the user's ability to import data into custom fields created using cTools.
The Template Editor permission [>>] controls the user's ability to create a template for custom student data.
For information about importing, refer to Importing data [>>]. For information about Custom Data Management, refer to
cTools Client Validation Guide.
If the setting for the Import Student Demographics permission [>>] and the Import Student Test Scores permission [>>] is No, PowerSchool SMS display a "no access" message displays when the user clicks Import... on the District Setup page.
Yes: The user can import data into custom multi-select lists, custom repeating groups, or custom chronological groups. On the Import File and Template page, in the Select Import Template list, PowerSchool SMS lists "Student Multi-select", "CDM Student Repeating Group", and "CDM Student Chronological".
No: The user cannot import data into custom multi-select lists, custom repeating groups, or custom chronological groups.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: No
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Import Student Demographics permission
This permission controls the user's ability to import district student data, specifically demographic information.
This permission does not control the ability to import all types of student data:
The Schedule Import permission [>>] control the user's ability to school-specific student data.
The Template Editor permission [>>] controls the user's ability to create a template for custom student data.
For information about importing, refer to Importing data [>>].
If the setting for the Import Student Test Scores permission [>>] and the Import Custom Student Data permission [>>] is No, PowerSchool SMS display a "no access" message displays when the user clicks Import... on the District Setup page.
Yes: The user can import student demographic data. On the Import File and Template page, in the Select Import Template list, PowerSchool SMS lists "Student Demographics".
No: The user cannot import student demographics data.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: No
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Import Student Test Scores permission
On a system that employs the legacy version of the Test Scores module, this permission controls the user ability to import test data, specifically test scores.
This permission does not control the ability to import all types of student data. The Template Editor permission [>>] controls the user's ability to create a template for student test scores. For information about importing, refer Importing data [>>].
This permission takes effect only when you have enabled legacy tests functionality on the General Preferences page
If the setting for the Import Student Demographics permission [>>] and the Import Custom Student Data permission [>>] is No, PowerSchool SMS display a "no access" message displays when the user clicks Import... on the District Setup page.
Yes: The user can import student test scores.
No: The user cannot import student test scores.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: No
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Schedule Import permission
This permission controls the user's ability to schedule the importing of data [>>] for the following record types:
Student Course Requests
Historical Graduation Information
To import other types of student data, refer to the following permissions:
The Import Student Demographics permission [>>] controls the user's ability to import student demographic information.
The Import Custom Student Data permission [>>] controls the user's ability to import custom data.
The Import Student Test Scores permission [>>] controls the user's ability to import test scores.
The Import Address Ranges permission [>>] controls the user's ability to create an import template for custom student data.
The Template Editor permission [>>] controls the user's ability to create an import template for student test scores.
For information about importing, refer Importing data [>>].
Dependencies: None
Yes: The user can schedule the importing of student data and delete scheduled imports.
No: The user cannot schedule the importing of student data. On the District Setup page, if the user clicks Schedule Import, PowerSchool SMS displays a "no access" message.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: Yes
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Template Editor permission
This permission controls the user's ability to use the Template Editor to create templates for importing data into a system [>>]. The Template Editor is an application that runs on the PowerSchool SMS web server.
This permission does not differentiate between user roles. When this permission's setting is Yes for a user, and that user has more than one role, the user can create a template in any one his or her roles.
For information about the Template Editor, refer About the Template Editor [>>].
Dependencies: None
Yes: The user can use the Template Editor to create templates for importing data into a system.
No: The user does not have access to the Template Editor.
Default settings by base role [>>]:
District Administrator: Yes
School Administrator: Yes
School Health Professional: No
District Health Professional: No
Tel: 866-434-6276
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