| Import/Export > Running or scheduling an import

Running or scheduling an import

You can import data using either the Import Wizard or the Schedule Import feature. Which method you choose depends on the data you want to import. To import Student demographics, Setup Lists, test scores (legacy only), and CDM data, use the Import Wizard. For all other types of data, use Schedule Import.

Importing data using the Import Wizard

Use the Import Wizard to import only student demographic data and student test scores. In other words, use this import method with templates created using the following record types:

= CDM Student Chronological
= CDM Student Repeating Group
= Setup Lists
= Student Demographics
= Student Multi-Select
= Student Test Scores (legacy Tests component only - see note below)

Note: The record type Student Test Scores is used to import test results for test definitions that were created using the legacy Tests component. To import test results for test definitions that were created using the Test Management component, use a Scheduled Import. See Importing data using scheduled imports [>>].

For a description of the fields that correspond to these record types, see Student Demographics [>>].

You cannot use the Import Wizard to import other types of data, such as buildings, courses, or historical information. For these data types, see Importing data using scheduled imports [>>].

Before you import any file:

= Copy the import file to the csl/opendistrictclient/ascii/importfiles folder on the PowerSchool SMS web server.
= Create a template for the import. See Creating an import template with Template Editor [>>]

After the import, the following occurs:

= The Import Errors page opens.
= If errors or warnings occurred, the records that contain errors or warnings are copied to a RESULT file in both the ErrorFiles folder and the ImportFiles folder.
= The imported file moves to the ArchiveFiles folder in the csl\opendistrictclient\ascii folder on the server.

For information about errors and warnings, see Fixing errors and warnings in the Import Wizard [>>].

To import data using the Import Wizard:[DA]

Figure 370: Import File and Template

A Click the import file.
B Click the import template.

Figure 371: Preview Import

A Click to view the first or last 10 records in the import file.

Fixing errors and warnings in the Import Wizard

In the Import Wizard, errors and warnings display for different reasons. Errors occur when the record cannot be imported; for example, when date or phone information is not in the correct format. Warnings occur when a field in your import file has more characters than the corresponding field in PowerSchool SMS, or if a student number already existed in the database and the import generated a duplicate student number.

To fix errors and warnings:

Figure 372: Import Errors Report

A The total number of errors excluding warnings.
B The total number of errors and warnings.

Verifying the import

After you successfully import a file, verify that the information displays correctly in PowerSchool SMS.

For example, if you imported medical information for a student, open a student's record and ensure that the Medical section of the Personal page displays the new information you imported.

Working with Import Wizard logs

The import log records information about all imports so that you can view and correct any errors. After the errors are fixed, you can delete the logs.

To work with Import Wizard logs:

Figure 373: Import log

A To delete a log, select it and click Delete.
B Click the link under Results to see more detail.

Importing data using scheduled imports

Use scheduled imports to import data that corresponds to templates created using the listed record types:

= Student Contacts
= Staff
= District Courses
= Class Schedules
= Facility Buildings
= Student Schedules
= Facility Rooms
= Student Course Requests
= Historical Years
= Address Ranges
= Historical Courses
= Student Test Results
= Historical Course Bins
= Historical Graduation Information

You cannot use scheduled imports to import student demographics, test scores, Setup Lists, or data created using CDM. For these data types, see Importing data using the Import Wizard [>>].

Before you import any file:

= Copy the import file to the csl\opendistrictclient\ascii\importfiles folder of the PowerSchool SMS web server.
= Create a template for the import. See Creating an import template with Template Editor [>>].

Each scheduled import is considered a job, which can be run immediately or at a specified time. You can create multiple import jobs, where each job has its own name and timing. Multiple jobs can use the same template, but the import file must have a unique name.

To schedule an import:

Figure 374: General

Troubleshooting scheduled imports

After a scheduled import runs, one of the following statuses displays on the Schedule Import page:

= Completed - this status indicates that all records were imported
= Completed with Errors - this status indicates that some records were imported
= Failed - this status indicates that no records were imported

Note: Regardless of the status of the scheduled import, the import file is moved to the following folder: CSL\OpenDistrictClient\ASCII\Archive Files.

Errors generated during a scheduled import are written to error logs on the PowerSchool SMS web server. Which log the error is written to depends on where the error occurred (in the import file or the import template), which is indicated by the status of the import as follows:

= If the status after importing is "Completed with Errors", there are errors in the import file and the errors display in the following file: CSL\OpenDistrictClient\ASCII\ErrorFiles.
= If the status after importing is "Failed", there are errors in the import template and these errors display in the PowerSchool.TaskManager.Service.Log located in CSL\OpenDistrictClient\SMS\SMSBusinessObjects\Log.
Correcting errors in an import file[DA]
Correcting errors in an import template[DA]
Re-running a scheduled import[DA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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