| Customizing a system

Customizing a system

PowerSchool SMScTools enables the District Administrator, technical analyst, or developer to customize a PowerSchool SMS system to meet the unique needs of a school district and to meet state reporting requirements. The administrator can add to the structure of an PowerSchool SMS system and create new custom pages that capture unique district and school setup information, as well as information about staff, programs, academic plans, demographics, health, and tests.

This section contains the following sections:

= Customization procedure [>>]
= Customizable areas of a PowerSchool SMS system [>>]
= Using Setup Lists to facilitate data entry [>>]
= Working with schemas [>>]
= Working with custom pages, panels, and fields [>>]
= Controlling access to custom schema and pages [>>]
= Sharing customizations [>>]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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