| Student management > Student records > Student record: Demographics > Student Demographics: School-specific student information

Student Demographics: School-specific student information

The information on the Student Demographics page's School Specific tab includes the following:

= Preferred name: The name the student prefers to be called.
= Current age [see Student Demographics: Overview >>]
= Home school [see Student record: Enrollments >>]
= Current grade level: The student's current grade level in the district.
= Current homeroom: The student's homeroom at the school. A staff member can change it here or in the context of homeroom rosters [>>]. Note: We recommend that the student be assigned to a homeroom that is compatible with his current grade level.
= Counselor: The student's assigned counselor [>>], depending on the calendar in use. A School Administrator can assign a School Counselor through the student's academic plan [>>]. A School Administrator can assign a School Counselor to several students by selecting a list of students and in the Actions menu, clicking Assign > Values. In the Assign Values dialog, for Assign Field, the administrator can choose a counselor for the Active Calendar ("Counselor (A)") or the Planning Calendar ("Counselor (P)")—provided a Planning Calendar exists. During year-end processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS changes the counselor in the Planning Calendar to that of the Active Calendar.
= Enrollment status [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Student promotion status: Indicates that the student has been promoted to the next grade this year [see >>].
= Academic plan [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Placement classification: For an explanation of this field, contact your District Administrator.
= Distance from school: Distance in miles from the student's home address to the School of Enrollment's address.
= Home address is in school's area: Indicates that the student's home address meets any boundary conditions for the school, such as physical area borders.
= Upload to parent portal: Enables an administrator to post information for this student on a parent portal [>>] for viewing by his or her parents.
= Lunch status: The lunch program for which the student is eligible.
= Permission to share lunch eligibility: Indicates that the parent/guardian has given permission for their child's school lunch eligibility to be shared with administrators.
= Contact information see Student record: Contacts [>>]
= Legal alert [see >>]

Table 10: Permissions pertaining to school-specific student information


You need this permission

Set to


Add and edit student demographic data

Students > Demographic Data



Add and edit school-specific student demographic information

Students > Student School Specific



Add and edit the number of miles a student lives from their school

Students > Distance from School



Change the student's Home School

Students > Modify Home School



Add and edit a student's lunch status

Students > Lunch Status Panel



Enter legal alert information

Students > Legal Alert



Assign a School Counselor to a student

Students > Modify Counselor Assignment



Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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