| Year end > Year-End Processing > Update student information > Set the students’ promotion status

Set the students' promotion status

In preparation for Year-End Processing [>>], the School Administrator must set the promotion status of the district's students. This enables PowerSchool SMS to, during Year-End Processing, adjust each student's enrollment appropriately according to circumstances. A student's promotion status can be one of the following:

= Promoted: During Year-End Processing, PowerSchool SMS promotes this student to the next grade, graduates the student from the school (and likely transfers the student to another), or graduates the student from the district.
= Retained: During Year-End Processing, PowerSchool SMS keeps this student in the same grade. If the student will be moving to a different school, PowerSchool SMS transfers the retained student to the same grade in the other school (provided the District Administrator has set the Registration and Enrollment Preferences to do so [>>])

Setting students' promotion status involves two steps:

1 Adjusting the promotion status of particular students [>>].
2 Running the Student Graduation and Promotion process [>>].

Adjusting the promotion status of particular students

Prior to the School Administrator running the Student Graduation and Promotion process [>>], a student's promotion status can be either of the following:

= Pending: This is the default status for every student. When the School Administrator runs the Student Graduation and Promotion process [>>], PowerSchool SMS converts this status to "Promoted".
= Retained: If necessary, the School Administrator can change a student's promotion status to "Retained". When the School Administrator runs the Student Graduation and Promotion process [>>], PowerSchool SMS keeps this status as "Retained". This status is school-specific; if a student is enrolled in more than one school, that student can have a different promotion status at each school.

For a student whose promotion status can't be determined until after Year-End Processing Year-End Processing [>>] (such as a student taking a make-up course in summer school), the School Administrator can adjust that student's enrollment in the next year's Active Calendar.

To set a student's promotion status to "Retained" [SA]:
To set the promotion status of more than one student: [SA]

Running the Student Graduation and Promotion process

To ensure that PowerSchool SMS makes the appropriate adjustments to student enrollment during Year-End Processing [>>], the School Administrator has PowerSchool SMS run a process that sets each student's promotion status. In this process, PowerSchool SMS does the following:

= For a student whose promotion status is "Pending", changes the status to "Promoted".
= For a student in the school graduation grade at his or her active school whose promotion status is "Pending", changes that status to "Promoted" at all schools in which the student is enrolled, changes the "has graduated" status to "Y", and sets the student's graduation year to the current year.
= For a student in the school graduation grade at a school that is not his or her active school whose promotion status is "Pending", changes that status to "Promoted", changes the "has graduated" status to "Y", and sets the student's graduation year to the current year.
= For a student whose promotion status is "Retained", keeps that status as "Retained".
To run the Student Graduation and Promotion process [SA]:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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