| District setup > Student enrollment setup

Student enrollment setup

As a District Administrator, you can configure how students are enrolled [>>] in the district and how PowerSchool SMS manages enrollment information. PowerSchool SMS applies these settings across the system. These settings are of particular significance for year end [>>].

Under Student Enrollment, settings include:

= # of concurrent enrollments allowed: The maximum number of schools in which a student can have an enrollment record. The default is "99".
= Allow enrollment in: Controls the Registration Grade Level to which you can assign a student you add to the district. Choices include: "Any School" and "School with student's grade level". The latter restricts the enrollment of a student to schools that have their grade level available.
= Minimum enrollment age: The minimum age in years that a student must be on the date of the student's first entry-type status code. The minimum age can be between 0 and 99. PowerSchool SMS prevents a student younger than the age entered here to be enrolled. Note:When referring to this age, PowerSchool SMS calculates the student's age using that student's full birth date, not just the year.
= Graduation Month: The month of the year in which the district graduates students from their current grade level.
= District Graduation Grade Level: The grade level at which the PowerSchool SMS graduates students from the district. This setting is relevant to Year-End Processing [>>].Choices include the grades 1 through 20 and: "NA", "Pre-enrolled", "Pre-Kindergarten", "Kindergarten", "Kindergarten-AM", "Kindergarten-PM".
= Allow other schools to edit student registration and contact information: Allows or prevents schools from changing other schools' student registration and contact information. This option is selected by default. When this option is deselected, the registration page can only be edited by the School Administrator at the school in which the student is currently enrolled.
= Validate concurrent enrollment: Determines when PowerSchool SMS checks concurrent enrollment and prevents or allows enrollment. Options are:

During student registration: PowerSchool SMS checks concurrent enrollment and prevents or allows enrollment as soon as you click the student's name in the Registration/ Enrollment Search results. This is the default.

When enrolling a student: PowerSchool SMS prevents or allows enrollment when you are on the Enroll Student page and you click Apply or OK.

Under Fields Required or Recommended for Registration and Enrollment settings include:

= Required fields: Enables selected fields to be part of the enrollment process and specifies the information required during enrollment.
= Recommended fields: Enables selected fields to be part of the enrollment process and specifies the information that we recommend be included during enrollment.
= Address requirements: Determines if an administrator must provide a physical address for the purposes of school mailings to the student or parent/guardian, and if such mailings are required.
= At least one contact required: Determines if the administrator must provide at least one contact (typically a parent/guardian) for each student [>>].

Under Year-End Processing Options for Graduating Students settings include:

= Set district graduated student grade level to: These options, which are relevant to Year-End Processing [>>], are:

Next projected grade level: With this option selected, PowerSchool SMS uses the projected grade level specified in the district settings [see Projected grade levels >>].

District graduating grade level: PowerSchool SMS sets the student's grade level to this value or the next and future years but records that student as having graduated. During Year-End Processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS graduates the student and withdraws the student from his or her current school.

Selected grade level: PowerSchool SMS uses the grade level selected. Choices include the grades 1 through 20 and "NA", "Pre-enrolled", "Pre-Kindergarten", "Kindergarten", "Kindergarten-AM", "Kindergarten-PM".

Under Year-End Processing Options for Status Code Dates settings include:

= Set enrollment date: Options are District Planning Calendar start date or that of the School Planning Calendar.
= Set withdrawal date: Options are District Planning Calendar end date +1 day or that of the School Planning Calendar.

Under Year-End Processing Options for Status Code settings include:

= Students transferring receive this withdrawal code: This is the withdrawal-type status code that PowerSchool SMS will apply, during year-end processing, to the enrollment records of students transferring to a different school.
= Students transferring receive this re-entry code: This is the re-entry-type status code that PowerSchool SMS will apply, during year-end processing, to the enrollment records of students transferring to a different school.
= Students graduating receive this code:This is the status code applied to the enrollment records of graduating students at year end.
= Students returning to the same school. Options are:
Don't create withdrawal and re-enrollment records for returning students: When this option is selected, the nightly update next year students task will not create withdrawal and re-enrollment records for students returning to the same school.
Create withdrawal and re-enrollment records for returning students: When this option is selected, the nightly update next year students task will create withdrawal and re-enrollment records for students returning to the same school and, during Year-End Processing, PowerSchool SMS will apply the specified withdrawal and re-entry status codes.

Under Next Year Processing Options for Retained Students the setting is:

= Use requested school for retained students:

With this option selected, retained students remain in the same grade level when projected into the Planning Calendar of their requested school. The requested school may be their current school or a different school.

The nightly update next year students task creates the appropriate enrollment and withdrawal records and then, during Year-End Processing, PowerSchool SMS sets the enrollment entry and withdrawal-type status codes. For retained students transferring to a different school at year end, these status codes are based on the values chosen for Students transferring receive this withdrawal code and Students transferring receive this re-entry code. For retained students remaining in their current school, these status codes are based on the value chosen for Create withdrawal and re-enrollment records for returning students.

To configure district student enrollment: [DA]

Table 68: Permissions pertaining to enrollment setup


You need this permission

Set to


Set district-wide preferences for registration and enrollment

Students > Registration and Enrollment Preferences



Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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