| School and district operation > Enrollment


The enrollment procedure depends on the role [>>] of the user enrolling the student and the status of the student being enrolled.

The District Administrator can:

= Enroll a student who is new to the district as part of the registration process [>>].
= Enroll a student who is already enrolled in the district in any school [>>]

A School Administrator can:

= Enroll a student who is new to the district as part of the registration process [>>].
= Enroll a student who is already enrolled in the district in another school, provided the School Administrator has the necessary permissions [>>] and the district allows concurrent enrollment [>>]
= Enroll a student who is already registered in the district [>>].

The district or school administrator can enroll a student when working in either the Active or Planning Calendar [>>]. The date of enrollment determines whether the student is active in the current school year or will be active in the next school year. In some circumstances, the enrollment process results in a pending enrollment [>>].

The district or school administrator can also:

= View a registered student's enrollment history [>>].
= Update enrollment records for multiple students at one time [>>]
= Withdraw a student from a school [>>].
= Delete a student's records from a school [>>].
= Transfer a student mid-year by withdrawing [>>] that student's enrollment at one school and then enrolling the student at another (where the student is attending only one school).

Note: For information about preparation for year-end, refer to Projecting enrollment for the next year [>>]

Enrolling a student for the first time

A District Administrator or School Administrator can use this procedure to enroll a student who is new to the district. A School Administrator can also use this procedure to enroll a student who is already registered in the School Administrator's school. Note: If the student is already enrolled at another school but your district does not allow schools to edit other schools' student registration and contact information (that is, the Registration and Enrollment preference “Allow other schools to edit student registration and contact information” is not selected), the registration page for the student is not editable.

To enroll a student for the first time [SA, DA]:

Figure 153: Contact Information page

A Student Physical Address: PowerSchool SMS enters the address from the matching student or from your search. The administrator can change it.

Figure 154: Enrollment page

A Enrollment History: Indicates student's past enrollment history.
B Enrollment: Indicates school student is currently enrolled in.

Enrolling a student in another school

A District Administrator can use this procedure to enroll a student who is already registered in any school. A School Administrator can use this procedure enroll a student who is already registered in the School Administrator's school.


= By default, PowerSchool SMS allows students to be enrolled in more than one school (concurrent enrollment). However, depending on how the system is set up [>>], before enrolling a student in a school, you may have to first withdraw [>>] the student from one or more schools in which he or she is enrolled.
= If a student has restrictions due to behavior [>>], and you attempt to enroll that student in a new school, PowerSchool SMS displays a warning (depends on Student enrollment setup [>>]).
= If the district allows retained students to be projected to requested schools during Next Year Processing [>>] these students are projected into their current grade level in the Planning Calendar of their requested school.
To enroll a student in a school [SA,DA]:

Figure 155: Enrollments page, Enrollment History

A Add an enrollment: Click to enroll this student.

Figure 156: Status Code History

A Add a status code icon: Click to record a change in the student's status code.

Viewing a registered student's enrollments

Typically, each registered student is enrolled in at least one school, and that school is the student's home school. A student registered in the district for several years might develop a history of enrollments.

Note: A student can have multiple active enrollments, that is, enrollment records with an "entry-type" status code that does not have a corresponding withdrawal record and where the date of the enrollment is on or before the Active Calendar's end date.

You can view a record of a student's enrollments.

To view a student's enrollments [SA, DA]:

Updating enrollment records for multiple students

You can update enrollment records for groups of selected students. If you are a School Administrator updating records for multiple students, PowerSchool SMS only updates the enrollment records for your school; if a student is attending other schools, those records are not updated. If you are a District Administrator, PowerSchool SMS updates the enrollment records in all schools for the selected students.

To update enrollment records for multiple students [SA,DA]:

Figure 157: Updating multiple enrollment records

A "Update" option selected.

Pending enrollments

When you enroll a student,PowerSchool SMS sets that student's enrollment to Pending where:

= The administrator has enrolled the student in a school that is different from the student's zoned school. District approval is required to complete the enrollment. When an administrator grants the necessary approval, PowerSchool SMS automatically removes the Pending status, completes the enrollment (provided all other enrollment conditions are also met), and displays it on student's Enrollment record [>>].
= The administrator has enrolled the student in a school that employs Program Management [>>] to control enrollment and the student is not an applicant, or is an applicant but is no eligible or a seat is not offered.

Note: While an enrollment for a student is pending, if the District Administrator adds an enrollment for this student, PowerSchool SMS displays a message that an enrollment is pending and gives the administrator the option of viewing that enrollment or adding a new one. If the administrator enrolls the student in a school at which that student has an enrollment pending, PowerSchool SMS removes that pending enrollment. If the administrator enrolls the student in a school at which that student has an enrollment pending, and that new enrollment is set to pending, PowerSchool SMS replaces the first pending enrollment with the new one.

The administrator can view all students who have an enrollment pending--at one school or at any school in the district--by searching. The administrator can view the pending enrollment or add a new enrollment.

To work with pending enrollments [SA, DA]:

Withdrawing a student

You can withdraw a student from a school in which she is enrolled.

To withdraw a student from a school [SA, DA]:

Deleting a student record from a school

You can delete all school-specific information about a student, including attendance, scheduling, and grading records. Deleting a student record from a school does not delete the student from the district; the student is still enrolled in the district and you can enroll the student into other schools. Only a District Administrator can delete a student from the district [>>]

To delete a student from a school:[SA, DA]

Table 25: Permissions pertaining to enrollment


You need this permission

Set to


Register a student

Students > Add Students



Work with a student's registration information

Students > Registration Information



Enroll a student in a school

Students > Manage Student Enrollments

Edit or Delete


Withdraw a student from a school

Students > Withdraw Student

Edit or Delete


Add and edit student contacts

Students > Contact Information

Edit or Delete


Adjust a student's demographic information

Students > Demographic Data



Delete a student enrollment record

Students > Delete students from district

Edit or Delete


Add enrollments for students at other schools

Students > Add Student to Other Schools



Edit enrollments for students at other schools

Students > Edit Enrollment for Other Schools



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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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