| School and district operation > Enrollment > Projecting enrollment for the next year

Projecting enrollment for the next year

When the district's school year comes to an end, typically the District Administrator runs Year-End Processing [>>] to convert the Planning Calendar [>>] to the new Active Calendar. During Year-End Processing, PowerSchool SMS adjusts each student's enrollment and grade level according to the system's year-end transfer method [>>] and various student-related criteria such as the student's school's graduation grade level [>>]. For a particular student, a District or School Administrator can override the year-end transfer method and directly specify the student's enrollment [>>].

Enrollment changes during Next-Year Preparation

When a School Administrator creates a Planning Calendar, PowerSchool SMS changes each student's enrollment according to various factors [>>]. (Note: To work with the Planning Calendar, the Access to Planning Calendar permission must be set to Yes [>>].) The resulting change might involve PowerSchool SMS:

= Promoting the student to another grade level in the student's School.
= Enrolling the student in a grade level at a different school.
= Withdrawing the student from enrollment in the District.
= Graduating the student from the District.
= Retaining the student in the School at the current grade level.

In general, PowerSchool SMS can determine a student's enrollment in the Planning Calendar where:

= The student's current school is the school in which the student is enrolled in the Active Calendar.
= The student's enrollment is active at the completion of the Active Calendar.
= The student's enrollment status is promoted or pending.
= The student is assigned to a Home School [>>].
= The student is assigned a Home School (Active) [>>].
= The student has a projected school [>>].

PowerSchool SMS advances a student's grade level in his or her school (and does not transfer the student to another school) where:

= The student's Zoned School [>>] is the same as the student's current school.
= The student's Requested School [>>] is the same as the student's current school.

To enroll a student in a grade level at a different school, PowerSchool SMS takes into account:

= The year-end transfer method used by the district [>>].
= If the student is in a graduating grade.
= The student's Requested School [>>]
= Program management settings (if the system employs it), including:

Controlled enrollment at a school: A School Administrator must explicitly enroll a student in a controlled enrollment program after the student has applied and been accepted. Note: A student can only be enrolled in a program if that student is enrolled at that program's school, that is, PowerSchool SMS does not automatically create participant records and program applications for a student not enrolled in the school.

The setting of Planning Calendar Requested School Controlled by Program Management [>>]

A program session's setting for the Planning Calendar Option [>>].

If the student is enrolled in several controlled-enrollment programs at a school.

Year-end transfer method

During Year-End Processing [>>], for each district student who has completed a grade level, PowerSchool SMS determines if that student is to be transferred to another school by applying the year-end transfer method. The District Administrator sets the method to use. Options are:

= Projected School Map [>>]: This is the default method.
= Geocode Map [>>]: This is for systems that employ Address Validation [>>].
To set the year-end transfer method [DA]:

Projected School Map

A Projected School Map pairs each feeder school in the district to a projected school, that is, another school in the district to which PowerSchool SMS transfers a student during Year-End Processing [>>] when that student has completed the school's graduation grade level [>>]. A School Administrator can specify the projected school for a school, a District Administrator for any or all schools in the district. Note: The administrator must be in the Active Calendar [>>] to set the projected school mappings. Caution: If a student's school is not mapped to a projected school, PowerSchool SMS withdraws the student from his or her school but does not enroll the student in another.

To set a school's projected school [SA, DA]:
To set the projected school for district schools [DA]:

Geocode Map

On a system that employs Address Validation [>>], a District Administrator can set the year-end transfer method so that PowerSchool SMS refers to the district's Geocode Map. During Year-End Processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS uses the Geocode Map to transfer a student (where that student has completed the school's graduation grade level [>>]) to the appropriate school by examining the location of that student's residence.

The Geocode Map, created by the District Administrator, pairs each of the district's geocodes with an entry grade level [>>] at a particular school [Figure 158]. A school's entry grade can have more than one geocode assigned to it (the school can serve a broad geographical area). A geocode can be assigned to only one school's entry grade. Note: The Planning Calendar [>>] must be active for an administrator to change the Geocode Map.

Figure 158: Geocode mapping example

Note: For Year-End Processing [>>] to run successfully, the Planning Calendar must have a Geocode Map. During next-year preparation (NYP) [>>], when the District Administrator creates a Planning Calendar PowerSchool SMS copies the Geocode Map from the Active Calendar to the new Planning Calendar. Thus the District Administrator need only adjust the Geocode Map to prepare for the next year. Any changes that the District Administrator makes to the map or geocodes take effect in the school year being planned.Note: A District Administrator can use scripts to verify the validity of the geocode map. For information, refer to Checking Geocode setup [>>]. Caution: If a student does not end up with a valid Geocode in the Planning Calendar, PowerSchool SMS withdraws or graduates the student from his or her school but does not enroll the student in another.

Caution: A change to the geocodes associated with a school can cause PowerSchool SMS during Year-End Processing [>>] to change a student's Zoned School [>>] for the next year. If this occurs, PowerSchool SMS takes time to implement any change to the Zoned School. It unenrolls the student from the former school and, during the nightly process, enrolls the student in the new school. You can view these changes in the Planning Calendar the next day (PowerSchool SMS displays "N/A" for Zoned School until transfer mapping is complete).

To assign geocodes to a school's entry grade(s) [DA]:

Figure 159: Geocode Map page

A Entry Grade: The grade into which students from other schools transfer at year end. A school can have more than one entry grade.
B Geocodes: The geocodes assigned [Figure 160].

Figure 160: Edit Geocode School Map page

A School: The school and entry grade to which the Selected Geocodes apply. You can select another grade from the list.

School graduation grade level

To determine if it should transfer a student to another school during Year-End Processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS refers to the student's school's graduation grade level. This is the grade level at which a student completes his or her education at the school. A School Administrator can specify the graduation grade level for a school, a District Administrator for any or all schools in the district. Note: To set the graduation grade level for district schools, the district's year-end transfer method must be set to Projected School Map [>>].

To set a school's graduation grade level [SA, DA]:
To set the graduation grade level for district schools: [DA]

Figure 161: Projected Schools popup window

School entry grade level

An entry grade level at a school is a grade level into which students from other schools can be automatically transferred. Most schools have only one entry grade level set, typically the lowest grade level. However, for the purposes of the geocode mapping year-end transfer method [>>], a school may have more than one entry grade; for example, the elementary school for Geocode A may offer grade levels 1 to 5, while the elementary school for Geocode B offers grade levels 1 to 6. The middle school these students go to would have two entry grade levels: Grade 6 for students in Geocode A and Grade 7 for students in Geocode B. A District or School Administrator designates entry grade levels at a school. Note: To designate a school's grade as an entry grade, the district's year-end transfer method must be set to Geocode Map [>>].

To designate a school's grade as an entry grade: [SA, DA]

Figure 162: School Entry Grades

A Available items: Grade levels in this school.
B Assigned items: Grade levels into which PowerSchool SMS transfers students from other schools during Year-End Processing.

Specifying a student's school of enrollment for the next year

During Year-End Processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS assesses each district student for potential transfer to another school by referring to the District's transfer mapping. Typically, a student who has graduated from a school is subject to transfer to another school or graduation from the district.

A District or School Administrator can override this mapping for a particular student by requesting a particular school. For example, a student interested in a specialized vocational program would want to go to the only district school to offer such a program. Note: Since either a District or School Administrator can override the transfer mapping, we recommend that the district impose a policy on such overrides.

To project a student's enrollment :

Note: You may be prevented from projecting a student's enrollment at a school that employs controlled enrollment [>>] in the following circumstances:

= The student is not currently enrolled at that school (the student must apply to a program at the controlled-enrollment school, be offered a position in the program, and enroll in the school).
= The program associated with the enrollment will not continue in the next active year (that is, it has an end date within the current active year).
= A Planning Calendar is created, but program sessions for the program associated with the enrollment are not available in the Planning Calendar for the controlled enrollment program.
To verify the student's planning calendar zoned school and set their requested school:

Figure 163: Planning District Calendar (For Home School)

A The Zoned School (Planning) is based on the student's physical address, their projected grade level, and the Geocode Map and address range settings defined for the planning calendar.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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