| Student management > Programs > Applying to programs and enrolling in schools > Enrolling students in schools

Enrolling students in schools

To participate in a program, a student must be enrolled in the school where the program is offered.

If the school offering the program uses controlled enrollment and a student who has applied to the program is not enrolled in the school, enroll them in the school after you offer them a position in the program and calculate their program eligibility. See Enrolling students in schools with controlled enrollment [>>].

If the school offering the program does not use controlled enrollment, you can enroll students in the school either before or after you offer them a position in a program and calculate their eligibility. However, students must be enrolled in the school before you can assign them to a program offered at the school.

Enrolling students in schools with controlled enrollment

If the school uses controlled enrollment, students must be eligible for and offered positions in a controlled enrollment program at the school before you can enroll them in the school.

= For information about controlled enrollment, see Controlling enrollment in schools [>>].
= For information about applying to programs, see Applying to programs [>>].
To enroll students in schools with controlled enrollment:[DA][SA]

Figure 110: Program Management


Figure 111: Projected enrollment for planning calendar

A You cannot project the student's next year enrollment if:

The program associated with the enrollment will not continue in the next active year (i.e., it has an end date within the current active year)

A planning calendar is created, but program sessions for the program associated with the enrollment are not available in the planning calendar.

The school the student wants to attend controls enrollment and the student is not already enrolled in that school. (The student must apply to a program at the controlled-enrollment school, be offered a position in the program, and enroll in the school).

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