| Student management > Programs > Applying to programs and enrolling in schools > Calculating student eligibility

Calculating student eligibility

To determine whether students are eligible and can be assigned to a program, you must calculate their queue status, program eligibility, and rank. Students can only be assigned to the program if their queue status is Offered and their program eligibility is Eligible. Students can only be offered a position in a program if they have the highest rank of all students in the queue.

You can calculate the student's eligibility when you enter the student's program application, or you can enter multiple applications and calculate eligibility all at once.

Note: If a student is not eligible for a program because they do not meet the queue or program criteria, another student has a higher rank, or the program is at capacity for the queue, and you have the required permissions, you can override the criteria and assign the student to a program.

To determine if a student is eligible for a program and determine their priority for placement, calculate the following values:

= Queue Status [>>]
= Eligibility Status [>>]
= Rank [>>]

Calculating queue status

Each program session has at least one queue. The queue can be open so any student can be added to the queue or it can be restrictive and have criteria that students must meet before they can be added to the queue. For example, a program session may have a General queue that any student can belong to, as well as a Sibling queue that offers additional positions to siblings of program participants. Students can belong to more than one queue for a single program session.

= If the queue is open, it does not have any eligibility criteria, the student's queue status is automatically set to Offered and you do not need to calculate queue status or rank.
= If the queue is restrictive, it has either eligibility rules or capacity limits, the student's queue status is set to New and you must calculate their queue status before you can offer students a position in the program. When you calculate queue status, the student's status is set to Waiting if the student meets the criteria for the queue eligibility rules or Denied if they do not meet the criteria. You can calculate rank for any student whose queue status is set to Waiting. For more information, see Calculating rank [>>].

For more information about setting up queue criteria, see Examples of queue eligibility criteria [>>].

To calculate queue status:[DA][SA]

Figure 115: Calculate Status


Figure 116: Calculate Status

Calculating program eligibility

Calculate program eligibility to determine if students meet the eligibility criteria defined for the program. If a student is eligible for a program and their queue status is set to Offered, you can assign them to the program. For more information about assigning students to programs, see Assigning students to programs [>>].

If a student is not eligible for the program and you have permission, you can override their eligibility status to assign them to the program. For more information, see Overriding eligibility criteria [>>].

Note:You can use eligibility rules for programs in both the active and planning calendars. However, some eligibility functions and parameters may produce different results when used in the planning calendar. For example, since grades are not entered in the planning calendar, grading functions evaluate based on the active calendar. For more information, see Eligibility rules [>>].

Only rules that are active for the queue are available. For example, if a rule has an end date that is in the past, the rule does not appear in the list of eligibility rules.

Note: Prior to calculating eligibility, make sure the student record is up-to-date with any information that will be used to calculate eligibility. For more information, see Working with student data to support eligibility rules [>>].

To calculate queue eligibility:[DA][SA]

Figure 118: Eligibility Status

Figure 119: Calculate eligibility

A Select an eligibility rule.

Calculating rank

Rank determines the priority that applicants can be offered positions in a program.

Note: If the queue has no eligibility rules and no capacity limits, students are automatically offered a position in the program and you do not need to calculate their rank.

When you calculate rank, the rank assigned to each applicant is determined by the rank method specified for the queue and whether rank weights are considered. For more information about how rank is determined, see Understanding rank method [>>].

Before you offer applicants a position in a program, calculate their rank.

Note: Ranks can be calculated for all students who have a queue status set to Waiting regardless of the program eligibility status. However, students cannot be assigned to the program unless their both their program eligibility status is set to Eligible and their queue status is set to Offered. If an ineligible student has a higher rank than an eligible student, you may not be able to assign students to the program unless you first remove the ineligible student's application or rank. For more information, see Removing ineligible students from ranking [>>].

To calculate rank:[DA][SA]

Figure 120: Manage ranks

A Rank Weight - This column shows the rank weight entered on the students application for the program. If rank weights are considered, applicants are sorted by rank weight before being assigned a rank.
B Rank - This column shows the rank assigned to each applicant in the queue.

Figure 121: Calculate Ranks

Removing ineligible students from ranking

Students are assigned a queue rank regardless of their program eligibility status. So, students who do not meet the eligibility criteria specified for the program can receive a rank and be offered a position in the program. However, when you are ready to assign students to the program, you will be unable to assign a student who is not eligible for the program. And, unless you have permission to override rank, you cannot assign a student to the program if another student has a higher rank than they do, even if the higher ranking student is ineligible for the program.

To continue processing the students in the queue, you must remove the ineligible students from the ranking. You can do this in one of two ways:

= Delete the student's application. This option removes the student's application from the queue. For more information, see Deleting applicants [>>].
= Reset the student's queue status and rank. This option retains the student's application in the queue, sets their queue status to New and resets their rank.
To reset queue status:[DA][SA]

Figure 122: Applicants

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