| Student management > Programs > Applying to programs and enrolling in schools > Overriding eligibility criteria

Overriding eligibility criteria

After calculating eligibility, you may not be able to assign a student to a program for any of the following reasons:

= they do not meet the specified program eligibility criteria
= the program is full
= they have a lower rank than other applicants
= they do not meet the specified queue eligibility criteria

If you have permission to override eligibility, you may be able to override the status and enroll the student in the program. For example, the student might not meet the attendance or test score criteria for a program. However, in special circumstances, such as personal hardship, you might decide that a student should still be placed in the program. For information about permissions, see Applying to programs and enrolling in schools [>>].

To override eligibility and assign students to programs:[DA][SA]

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