| School setup > Program Management > Working in the Planning Calendar

Working in the Planning Calendar

After your district or school creates a planning calendar, you can set up program management for the next school year in the planning calendar. When you create a district or school planning calendar, existing programs are available in the planning calendar. Whether sessions are created for the program in the planning calendar and how participants are handled depends on how the planning calendar options are set for the session. For more information, see Setting Planning Calendar options [>>].

Since programs are date-based rather than calendar-specific, changes made in any calendar apply to the overall program setup and affect the program offered in all the calendars included within the program start and end dates. For example, if a program start date is in the current active calendar and the end date is in the future (after the planning calendar), when you make changes to the program setup in the planning calendar, the changes apply to the overall program and affect the program in the active calendar, planning calendar, and future calendars. Regardless of whether you are working in the active calendar or the planning calendar, you are working with the same information and changes update the overall program setup.

If you want to change a program in one calendar only, create a new program to start in that calendar. For example, if you want to change the program setup for the next school year, end the program as of the end of the year and copy the program setup to the planning calendar. For more information, see Copying program setup [>>].

Program sessions are calendar-specific. Program sessions are copied to the planning calendar during the first nightly process only. Changes to sessions in the active calendar are not copied to the planning calendar during subsequent nightly processes. Changes to sessions in the planning calendar are not reflected in the active calendar. If some program sessions will not be offered in the next school year, after you create the planning calendar, delete those sessions for the program in the planning calendar.


= When eligibility rules are copied to the planning calendar, either using copy program setup or when a planning calendar is created, the rule start and end dates are copied as they are defined. You must manually adjust the dates for rules in the new program setup.
= The ability to show future participants is available only in the Active Calendar.

Switching to the Planning Calendar

When logged in as an district or school administrator, select Planning when in the active calendar or Active when in the planning calendar [Figure 248].

Figure 248: Switching calendars

Setting Planning Calendar options

Planning calendar options determine how program sessions are handled during Next-Year Preparation. You can set planning calendar options from the Sessions/Locations page for program sessions that are active within the working calendar.

Since program sessions cannot cross calendar years, an end date is set for the session at the end of the district calendar. Use the planning calendar options to specify how program sessions and participants are handled in the planning calendar.

For detailed information about Next-Year Preparation and how students are enrolled in schools and assigned to programs in the planning calendar, see the Next-Year Preparation and Year-End Processing Guide Next-year preparation [>>].

To set planning calendar options for a program session: [DA]

Figure 249: Planning calendar option

To change displayed columns:[DA]

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