| School setup > Program Management > Setting up district programs > Program setup > Copying program setup

Copying program setup

You can copy the structure of an existing program to a new program setup. Copying program setup is useful when two or more programs have only minor differences. For example, you might set up an after-school athletics program for the volleyball team, and then copy the program setup to a program for the soccer team. Then you only need to make minor changes to the setup for the new program. Once the copy is complete, the new program will appear in the program listing.

You can also copy a program setup from the active calendar to the planning calendar. For example, if you plan to change the program setup for future years, such as assigning different staff, without affecting the program in the current active calendar, end the program as of the end of the active calendar. Then, copy the program setup to the planning calendar and make changes to the setup for the new program.

Note: When copying to the planning calendar, eligibility rules are copied regardless of their start and end dates. After you copy program setup, adjust the dates for the eligibility rules.

When you copy programs, only the program setup is copied. If you want to copy applicants or participants from the original program to the new program, you can use Moving or copying program applicants [>>] and Moving and copying participants [>>].


= Before you can copy program setup to a new program, you must create a setup list item for the new program.
= Programs must be unique in their program category/program name and dates. You cannot copy a program setup if another program setup has the same program category/program and is offered on the same dates. For example,
= You can use a different program name - Copy the program setup for after-school athletics/Volleyball program offered September 1, 2013 to December 30, 2013 and rename to after-school athletics/Soccer program offered September 1, 2013 to December 30, 2013.
= You could change the dates - Copy the program setup for after-school athletics/Volleyball program offered September 1, 2013 to December 30, 2013 to an after school athletics/Volleyball program offered January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014.

Understanding how program sessions are copied

When you copy a program setup within the active or planning calendars, or from the active calendar to the planning calendar, PowerSchool SMS also copies program sessions from the working calendar. Copied sessions have the same name as the original session and the session dates are adjusted to satisfy the following rules:

= Both the session start and end dates must fall within a single calendar. Sessions cannot cross calendars.
= Session start and end dates must fall within the program start and end dates.
= Sessions must be unique for each program setup/session name/date range. Only one session with the same name can be set up for any given date.

Note: Program sessions are only copied from the working calendar. If you are using the planning calendar and copy a program from the active calendar to the planning calendar, the planning calendar sessions are copied. Since the program is currently not set up in the planning calendar, no sessions are copied.

If you do not want all the sessions in the new program, you can delete them after the copy is complete.

Note: If a program setup is copied to a future date (past the planning calendar end date), the program setup is copied but sessions are not created.

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