| Student management > Programs > Managing program participants > Moving and copying participants

Moving and copying participants

If you copy programs, only the program setup is copied. Any participants assigned to the existing program sessions are not copied to the new program. If you want to copy participants to another program, you can copy them as applicants only. Once they are copied to the new program as applicants, you can re-calculate their eligibility and assign them to the new program.

For example, if you plan to make changes to a program in the next school year, you can end the program in the active calendar and then copy the program setup as a new program in the planning calendar. In this way, you can make changes to the program setup in the planning calendar without changing the program setup in the active calendar. To transfer the existing participants to the new program in the planning calendar, you must copy the participants as applicants.

Note: To separate students who were participants in the previous program from students who applied to the new program after it was created, create two queues for the new program. Copy the existing participants into one queue and assign any new applicants to the second queue.

Students cannot be moved or copied into a program session if they are already applicants or participants in that program session. When students are moved or copied, their calculated eligibility criteria is cleared for the new program session.

To move or copy participants:[DA][SA]

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