| Student management > Programs > Managing program participants

Managing program participants

A participant is a student who is active in the program. When you manage participants, you can review program attendance, remove, move, or copy participants from programs, and enter additional information about participants for specific program categories.

Participants can be managed at the program level or at the student level.

For information about managing applicants and participants at the program level, see Using the Manage Participants page [>>].

For information about managing applications and program placement from the student record, see Viewing student program information [>>].

The following table lists key tasks and the corresponding permissions associated with managing program participants:


You need this permission

Set to


Remove students from programs (program level)

Program Category - Category Name > Manage Participants



Program Category - Category Name > Remove from Program



Remove students from programs (student record)

Students > Demographic Data



Program Category - Category Name > Manage Participants



Enrollment/Program Queues > Program Queue - Applicants



Program Category - Category Name > Remove from Program



By default, district and school administrators can manage program participants.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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