| Student management > Programs > Managing program participants > Viewing student program information

Viewing student program information

You can use the Student Program Profile page to view a summary of the programs the student currently has applications for or is currently participating in.

To view a program summary for students:[DA][SA]

Displaying student's past and future programs

By default, the Program Profile page displays the programs students are currently participating in. If you want to include programs the student has participated in but is no longer a participant or programs the students is assigned to as of a future date, you can show past or future programs for the student.

Note: If you choose to display past or future programs, you may want to show the program start and end date columns. To change the columns, from the Edit menu, click Choose Columns. Move the columns you want to display into the Selected Columns list and click OK.

To display past or future programs:[DA][SA]

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