| Student management > Programs > Managing program participants > Adding and editing student program details

Adding and editing student program details

For each program a student is a participant in, you can review information about the student, the program assignment, and the application forms. In addition, you can add and edit additional information about the student's participation in that program session.

The programs for each predefined program category includes additional fields related to the student's participation in the program. To track additional information, you can also add cTools fields to these pages. For more information about using cTools, see cTools Client Validation Guide.

Reviewing program details for a student's programs

Use the Program Details page to review program information and, depending on the program category, enter or edit additional information about the student's participation in the program.

To open the Program Details page:[DA][SA]

Program detail fields

Forms information
Academic Enhancement Program Details
After School Academic Program Details
After School Athletics Program Details
Early Childhood Education Program Details
English Language Learners Program Details
Free & Reduced Meals Program Details
Gifted and Talented Program Details
Home / Hospital Program Details
Homeless Program Details
Migrant Status Program Details
Out of District Placement Program Details
Special Services Program Details
Transportation Program Details

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