| School setup > Overview of Program Management

Overview of Program Management

Program Management enables you to create and manage specialized activities or courses of study that are enhancements to or replacements for regular academic programs. Your district may offer programs in several different categories, such as after-school athletics, free and reduced-priced meals, support for homeless students, and so on.

The district defines the programs that are available in the district and assigns them to the schools where they are offered. Schools then further set up the programs assigned to their school and schedule program classes.

Once programs are set up in the district and at schools, students can apply to program sessions offered at schools in the district. If eligibility rules are defined, they determine whether students can be assigned to the program.

Eligibility rules may be defined for queues and for programs and, if defined, students must meet the criteria for both the queue and the program before they can be assigned to the program. In addition, queues can be set up to limit the capacity of the program and students can be ranked within the queue. Ranks can be assigned sequentially according to the order student applications are entered or randomly to create a lottery enrollment. If ranks are used, students cannot be assigned to the program if another student in the queue has a higher rank. For more information about eligibility, see Calculating student eligibility [>>].

Programs can also be used to control enrollment in schools. If the school controls enrollment, you cannot enroll students in the school unless they are offered a position in and are eligible for a controlled enrollment program at that school. Students cannot be assigned to a program until they are enrolled in the school. For more information about controlling enrollment, see Controlling enrollment in schools [>>].

Program Management process

The following steps describe the overall procedure required to set up and manage programs:

1 The district sets preferences that define how Program Management works in the district. For more information, see Setting Program Management district preferences [>>].
2 The district populates Program Management Setup Lists. Program Management includes many pre-populated Setup Lists; however, to address your districts needs, you may need to modify the existing Setup Lists. For more information about working with Program Management Setup Lists, see Working with Program Management Setup Lists [>>].
3 The district creates programs and assigns them to schools. When the district creates programs, they add contacts and funding information, specify qualified staff, and create rules that determine which students are eligible to participate in the program. For more information, see Program setup [>>].
4 A district or school administrator sets up programs at specific schools. Schools can only offer programs that are assigned to them by the district. At the school, the school administrator adds school contacts, assigns specific staff to the program, create queues of applicants for the program and define constraints for program classes. For more information, see Setting up school programs [>>].
5 A school administrator creates student applications to programs, calculates eligibility, and enrolls students in the schools that offer programs, as required. For more information, see Applying to programs and enrolling in schools [>>].
6 A district or school administrator manages student applications and participation in programs. For more information, see Managing program participants [>>].

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