| School setup > Program Management > Setting up district programs > Program setup

Program setup

A district administrator creates the programs that will be offered at the district and assigns them to the specific schools that will provide the services.

Note: Before you create programs, make sure the Program Management Setup Lists are correctly defined and complete. For more information, see Working with Program Management Setup Lists [>>].

To create programs, complete the following steps:

1 General information (for the program) [>>]
2 Session and locations [>>]
3 District and state contacts [>>]
4 Funding and cost information [>>]
5 Staff assignments [>>]
6 Define eligibility rules [>>]

Note: You can work with programs in both the active and planning calendars. However, since program setup is date-based rather than calendar-specific, changes apply to the overall program and changes made in any calendar affect the program for all calendars within the program start and end dates.

If you want to change the program in one calendar only, create a new program to start in that calendar. For example, if you want to change the program setup for the next school year, end the program at the end of the active calendar and create a new program for the planning calendar.

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