| School setup > Program Management > Setting up district programs > Program setup > Define eligibility rules

Define eligibility rules

Program eligibility rules define the criteria students must meet to be offered a position in the program. For example, students may only be able to take an advanced math program if their GPA is higher than 3.5.


= Students are not automatically entered into programs based on eligibility criteria. They must apply to and be offered a position in the program. For more information, see Applying to programs [>>].
= You can use eligibility rules for programs in both the active and planning calendars. However, some eligibility functions and parameters may produce different results when used in the planning calendar. For example, since grades are not entered in the planning calendar, grading functions evaluate based on the active calendar. For more information, see Eligibility rules [>>].

Important: After changing or removing eligibility rules, recalculate student eligibility for programs.

The following procedure provides an overview of the process for creating and modifying eligibility rules. For detailed information about using the eligibility control, including information about eligibility functions and parameters, see Eligibility rules [>>].

To define or modify eligibility rules:[DA][SA]

Figure 253: Define Eligibility Rule

A Rule start date or Rule end date:

Examples of eligibility rules by program category

The following examples illustrate some typical eligibility rules for each program category.

Academic Enhancement
After School Academic
After School Athletics
Early Childhood Education
English Language Learners
Free & Reduced Meals
Gifted and Talented
Home Hospital
Migrant Status
Out of District Placement
Special Services

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