| Student management > Viewing student information > Searching for students > Quick student search

Quick student search

The quick student search enables you to quickly search for students by last name, first name, or ID number. You can search for a particular student or a list of students that matches your criteria. You also have the option of viewing all students for which your role [>>] has permission. School users can and view a list of students by grade.

Quick search is available on every page of the system. Also, for all roles except that of Teacher, a dedicated Quick Search page [Figure 30] serves as the home page [>>]. Note: To view the Quick Search page as a Teacher: In the Search menu, click Student.

Figure 29: Quick Search

A Quick Search: You can search by the first few characters of a student's first name, last name, or ID number.
B Results: Appear as the user enters characters. Select from the list to view a record.
To conduct a quick student search:

Figure 30: Quick Search page (school user home page)

A Filters: When you select one or multiple check boxes, only the students whose status matches the filters you choose appear in the list of students available for selection from the quick search drop down list. If you deselect all check boxes, no matching students are found.Note: If you are logged in with a district role, you have the option to view all students in the district and PowerSchool SMS also displays a Withdrawn (past years) check box.
B Student name or number: You can search by the first few characters of a student's first name, last name, or ID number. For example, entering "bry" generates results that includes students with the last name of "Bryson" and the first name "Bryan".

Figure 31: Student name or ID potential matches

A Characters for which PowerSchool SMS is searching.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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