Schoolnet Resources & Materials
Access to data through Schoolnet is a valuable resource in your leadership role at your district, but finding the time to attend Schoolnet trainings can be difficult with your busy schedules. Below you will find many different resources for all four modules in Schoolnet: School & District Data, Classrooms, Assessment Admin and Educator Development. The intent of the material below is to provide support and Schoolnet documentation to fit your schedule, and allow you to access training materials when it is convenient.
- Quick Reference Card: Accessing Schoolnet from ISEE (Updated 4-15-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Access Digital Backpack and Student Growth Profile (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Video: Introduction to Schoolnet (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Introduction to Schoolnet (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: My Schoolnet (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: My Schoolnet (Updated 7-10-2013)
Administrative Tasks
Section and Roster Requests
- Quick Reference Card: Teachers - Verify Roster (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Teachers - Request Access to Sections (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Administrators - Access Roster Requests (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Administrators - Access Section Requests (Updated 11-13-2013)
District Curriculum
Creating and Publishing District Instructional Materials
- Quick Reference Card: Locate Instructional Materials and Standards (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Filtering Instructional Materials Search Results (Updated 12-11-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating a Lesson Plan (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating a Lesson Plan using the State Template (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Rubric for Lesson Plan Submission (Updated 6-5-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating Resources and adding to LP (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Text Editor Reference Sheet (Updated 12-11-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Assign Resources to Students (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Teachers Submitting Instructional Materials for School Approval (Updated 10-30-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: School level Submitting and Approving Materials (Updated 10-30-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: District level Submitting and Approving Materials (Updated 10-30-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Setting Up Approval Alerts (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Manual: Classrooms User Guide (Updated 3-6-2013)
- PowerPoint: District Curriculum PowerPoint (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Video: Creating and Sharing Materials (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Creating and Sharing Materials (Updated 7-10-2013)
Accessing the Lesson Planner
- Quick Reference Card: Accessing the Lesson Planner for Administrators (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Scheduling Lesson Plans in the Lesson Planner for Teachers (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Using the Lesson Planner (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Manual: Classrooms User Guide (Updated 3-6-2013)
- Video: Using the Lesson Planner
- PowerPoint: Accessing Materials & Using the Lesson Planner (Updated 8-28-2013)
Curriculum Manager (for users with assigned access at District level)
- Quick Reference Card: Navigating the Curriculum Manager (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Curriculum Manager - Creating Materials (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Curriculum Manager - Editing, Copying, and Deleting Materials (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Curriculum Manager - Importing Curriculum from Spreadsheet (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Curriculum Manager - Importing Curriculum Files (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Curriculum Manager - Browsing Curriculum Hierarchy (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Introduction to Curriculum Manager for Leadership Part 1 (High | Low) (Updated 10-16-2013)
- Introduction to Curriculum Manager for Leadership Part 2 (High | Low) (Updated 10-16-2013)
- PowerPoint: Introduction to Curriculum Manager for Leadership (Updated 10-16-2013)
District Assessments
Using Schoolnet to Create District Assessments
- Quick Reference Card: Create Multiple Choice Items (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Rubrics (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Matching and Inline Response Items (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Drag and Drop Items (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Hot Spot Items (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Passages (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating Assessment Tasks (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Test Item Creation Tips (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Co-Authoring Items (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Submitting a Test Item (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Approving a Test Item (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Create Express Test SN (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Search for Items and Create Manual Test (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Student Portal Information (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Using Manipulatives (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Student Self-Assessment (Updated 11-13-2013)
- PowerPoint: Create Assessments Items (Updated 2-5-2014)
- Reference Sheet: Equation Editor Syntax Chart (Updated 3/2012)
- Reference Sheet: Naming Conventions (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Understanding Test Categories (Updated 7-22-2012)
- Video: Creating Assessment Items (high resolution) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Creating Assessment Items (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Creating Assessment Items (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Creating Classroom Tests (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Creating Classroom Tests (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Archived Webex - Create Assessment Items and Common Assessments
Scheduling and Administering District Assessments
- Quick Reference Card: Scheduling Tests (Updated 11-13-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Preparing for Paper Tests (Updated 12-11-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Administering Online Assessments (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Scoring Online Assessments (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Uploading External Assessment Results (Updated 1-22-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Student Portal Information (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Proctoring Clicker Tests (Updated 10-2-2013)
- PowerPoint: Schedule and Administer Common Assessments (Updated 11-27-2013)
- PowerPoint: The Student Experience (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Manual: Schoolnet ScanIt User Guide (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Scanner Set-up (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Scan Process (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Understanding Alerts (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Video: Administering and Scoring Tests (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Administering and Scoring Tests (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Archived Webex - Scheduling and Administering Common Assessments
Classroom Assessment Analysis
Generating Classroom Reports from Assessment Results
- Quick Reference Card: Classroom Level Reporting for Teachers (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Standards Mastery Reporting for Teachers (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Manual: Classrooms Manual (Updated 3-6-2013)
- PowerPoint: Classrooms Assessment Results (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Classrooms Annotated Reports
- Reference Sheet: Data Analysis Protocol for Teachers
- Video: Classrooms Student Performance Reporting (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Classrooms Student Performance (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Classrooms Standards Mastery Reporting (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Classrooms Standards Mastery (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Archived Webex - Accessing Common Assessment Results
Using School & District Data to Inform School Improvement
Introduction to School & District Data
- Quick Reference Card: School and District Data Overview (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating Pre-Formatted Reports (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Understanding Enrollment Filtering (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Defining Student Sets (Updated 12-31-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Creating Custom Reports (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Publishing Reports (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Editing and Deleting Published Reports (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Understanding Key Reports (Updated 10-2-2013)
- School and District Data (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Video: Tools for Principals
- Video: School and District Data Dashboard (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: School and District Data Dashboard (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Pre-Formatted Reports (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Pre-Formatted Reports (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Creating Student Sets (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Creating Student Sets (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Creating an Analysis Spreadsheet Report (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Creating an Analysis Spreadsheet (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Video: Introduction to Custom Reports (High | Low) (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Transcript: Introduction to Custom Reports (Updated 7-10-2013)
- Archived Webex - Access KPI and Benchmark Test Dashboards, saved report banks and Digital backpacks
- Archived Webex - Access classroom level data by teacher Section and preformatted reports
- Archived Webex - Custom reporting introduction
Educator Development
Professional Development Planner
- Quick Reference Card: Using PD Planner (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Searching and Registering for PD (Updated 12-31-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Proposing a PD Activity (Updated 7-22-2013) NOTE - For Districts that have decided to utilize
- Quick Reference Card: Adding PD Planner Facilitators (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Facilitating Activities (Updated 7-22-2013)
- Manual: PDP Manual (Updated 3-6-2013)
- PowerPoint: PD Planner (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Reference Sheet: Understanding Alerts (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Archived Webex - Access Teacher Profiles, search and register for PD Activities
- Archived Webex - Create Activities in PD Planner
- Archived Webex - Facilitate Activities in PD Planner
- EDS Process/Quick Start Guide (Updated 3-5-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Manage Observation Caseloads (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Working With School Goal and Approving Professional Growth Plans (Updated 3-5-2014)
- Quick Reference Card: Accessing Self-Reflections (Updated 10-30-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Conducing Teacher Observations (Updated 10-2-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Monitoring District Observation Progress (Updated 10-30-2013)
- Quick Reference Card: Accessing Observation Results (Updated 10-2-2013)
- PowerPoint: EDS Observations Intro (Updated 11-27-2013)
- Video: Introduction to EDS/Observations for leadership Part 1 (High | Low) (Updated 10-02-2013)
- Video: Introduction to EDS/Observations for leadership Part 2 (High | Low) (Updated 10-02-2013)