Schoolnet Resources & Materials
In an effort to fully integrate Schoolnet for use in Idaho classrooms, schools and districts, and ensure districts meet performance measures, the following professional learning opportunities are available.
On-site Training Opportunities
Search and register for sessions in PD Planner or contact SDE to inquire about on-site Training at your school/District.
- Schoolnet Learning Opportunities
- Professional Development Requests - Contact SDE
Please NOTE: requests for contract training will be handled directly by the SDE and Pearson/Schoolnet, and will be fulfilled on the basis of when the completed request is received. All requests should be submitted in accordance with the directions on the form.
Recorded Schoolnet Training
The following modules are complete recorded webinars with practice prompts and some recorded Q & A. To register and access these webinars please watch this Intro Video or Quick Reference Card for step-by step instructions. The Webinars are created as a series to be followed sequentially. By accessing the below links you will be taken to a registration page within PD Planner so you can get credit for watching.
NOTE - If you do not see a Register link on the below videos within PD Planner please contact your District ISEE coordinator to provide a data upload to the State.
Assessment Admin Module for Teachers - Classroom Assessments
- Part 1 - Creating Classroom Assessments (creating items and tests)
- Part 2 - Scheduling & Administering Classroom Assessments
- Part 3 - Accessing Classroom Assessment Results
Assessment Admin Module for Staff and leadership - School & District Assessments
- Part 1 - Creating Common Assessments (creating items and tests)
- Part 2 - Scheduling & Administering Common Assessments
- Part 3 - Accessing Common Assessment Results
Classrooms Module: Instructional Planning and Reporting for Teachers
- Part 1 - Accessing, Creating, and Sharing Instructional Materials and Lesson Planner
- Part 2 - Accessing Assessment Results: Standards Mastery, Item Analysis, and Skills Analysis
- Part 3 - Create and use Student Groups and run student analysis reports to monitor progress; Accessing Student Digital Backpacks
School & District Data
- Part 1 - Access KPI's, Benchmark Tests, Report Banks and Digital Backpacks
- Part 2 - Access Pre-formatted reports, access classroom level data by teacher/Section and School Reports
- Part 3 - Custom reporting introduction - defining Student Sets and analysis spreadsheet, introduction to publishing
PD Planner (EDS) Module for Teachers
PD Planner (EDS) Module for Administrators/leadership
- Part 1 - Access Educator Profile, search and register for PD Activities
- Part 2 - Create, propose, schedule, and manage PD activities
- Part 3 - PD Facilitator Tasks
Contact SDE to inquire about Schoolnet Professional Development