| Reporting on information > Report packages > PowerSchool SMS Report Package

PowerSchool SMS Report Package

The PowerSchool SMS Report Package contains a variety of reports that supplement PowerSchool SMS's built-in reports and are essential to the usefulness of an PowerSchool SMS system. The Report Package is updated at regular intervals with new reports and improved versions of existing reports. By installing the most current Report Package on an PowerSchool SMS system, the District or School Administrator can keep that system's reports up to date. For a description of each report in the PowerSchool SMS Report Package, see PowerSchool SMS Report Package reports [>>].

The most current PowerSchool SMS Report Package is available for a District Administrator to download [>>] from the support site (https://support.powerschool.com). Once the package is downloaded, a District or School Administrator can upload some or all of the reports to a PowerSchool SMS system [>>].

The PowerSchool SMS Report Package consists of one compressed file named "RptPckg.zip". Note: The PowerSchool SMS Report Package also contains an optional file "[version]PR-RptPckg.zip". This file contains reports [>>] for use only on a system that has been converted to Permanent Record (PR) [>>].

"RptPckg.zip" contains all the reports in the package []. The report package file also contains one zip file holding all the reports relevant to a specific feature area, including the following:

= Rpt-US-[version]-AddressValidation.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Attendance.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Behavior.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Generic.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Grading.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-GridPrint.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Health.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-OnlineCourseRequests.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-PowerTeacherGradebookErrorReport.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Scheduling.zip
= Rpt-US-[version]-Testing.zip

Within these files, each report is stored as a separate zip file. The zip file name identifies the report; for example, "ADA Summary.zip". Typically, each report consists of four files:

= [Report_Name].rpt

The report template.

= [Report_Name].xml

Contains the name, description, category, and attributes of the report. This file ensures the presence of the other files when a District Administrator uploads the report to a PowerSchool SMS system.

= [Report_Name]-Create.sql

Contains stored procedures necessary for PowerSchool SMS to run this report. Implements the report extensibility feature.

= [Report_Name]-Drop.sql

Contains stored procedures necessary for PowerSchool SMS to run this report.

Table 22: Reports in Report Package

Feature area

Reports included


Report file name

Address Validation

Address Out of Zone


Address Out of Zone.rpt


(.zip file name = Generic)

PowerSchool SMS List of Reports


PowerSchool SMS List of Reports.rpt


Daily Absence by Attendance Code


Daily Absence Report By Attendance Code.rpt

Daily Absence by Period


Daily Absence Report By Period.rpt

Period Attendance


Period Attendance Report.rpt

Student Cumulative Attendance


Student Cumulative Attendance Report.rpt

Teacher Attendance Verification


Teacher Attendance Verification Report.rpt

Unsubmitted Attendance


Unsubmitted Attendance.rpt

Unsubmitted Attendance by Period


Unsubmitted Attendance by Period.rpt

Unsubmitted Attendance by Teacher


Unsubmitted Attendance by Teacher.rpt


Cumulative GPA


Cumulative GPA Report.rpt

Failing Grades (Secondary)


Failing Grades Report (Secondary).rpt

Grades Verification


Grades Verification.rpt

Honor Roll


Honor Roll Report.rpt

Missing Grades (Elementary)


Missing Grades Report (Elementary).rpt

Missing Grades (Secondary)


Missing Grades Report (Secondary).rpt

Specific Grades


Specific Grades Report (Secondary).rpt

Student Academic Plan Progress Report


Student Academic Plan Progress Report.rpt

Student Transcript by Subject Area


Student Transcript Report by Subject Area.rpt

Student Transcript Report by Year


Student Transcript Report by Year.rpt

Grid Print

Portrait Letter


Grid Print (Portrait-Letter).rpt

Portrait Legal


Grid Print (Portrait-Legal).rpt

Landscape Letter


Grid Print (Landscape-Letter).rpt

Landscape Legal


Grid Print (Landscape-Legal).rpt


Immunization Delinquency Letter


Immunization Delinquency Letter.rpt

Immunization Next Due


Immunization Next Due Report.rpt

Immunization Non-Compliance


Immunization Non Compliance Report.rpt

Student Health Condition


Student Health Condition Report.rpt

Student Immunization History


Student Immunization History.rpt

Online course requests

Student Online Course Request Status


Student Online Course Request Status.rpt

Student Recommended Courses Verification


Student Recommended Courses Verification.rpt


PowerTeacher Grades Entry Error


PowerTeacher Grades Entry Error Report.rpt


Class Add/Drop


Class Add Drop.rpt

Class Listing (Elementary)


Class Listing (Elementary).rpt

Class Roster


Class Roster.rpt

Class Roster Monthly


Class Roster Monthly.rpt

Class Roster Weekly


Class Roster Weekly.rpt

Class Schedule Log


Class Schedule Log.rpt

Contacts Roster


Contacts Roster.rpt

Course Catalog by Name


Course Catalog by Name.rpt

Course Catalog by Number


Course Catalog by Number.rpt

Course Request List


Course Request List.rpt

Course Request Rule Violation


Course Request Rule Violation.rpt

Course Request Tally


Course Request Tally.rpt

Course Request Tally by Grade


Course Request Tally By Grade.rpt

Course Request Tally by Grade


Course Req Tally By Grade By Dept.rpt

Course Request Tally by Term


Course Request Tally By Term.rpt

Course Request Tally by Term by Dept


Course Req Tally By Term By Dept.rpt

Course Request Verification


Course Request Verfication.rpt

Full Time Equivalent Summary


Full Time Equivalent Summary.rpt


Load Students Log


Load Students Log.rpt

Master Schedule


Master Schedule.rpt

Master Schedule by Meeting Pattern


Master Schedule by Meeting Pattern.rpt

Open Seats Summary


Open Seats Summary.rpt

Room Matrix by Day Period


Room Matrix by Day Period.rpt

Room Schedule


Room Schedule.rpt

Room Schedule Matrix


Room Schedule Matrix.rpt

Scheduling Configuration


Scheduling Configuration.rpt

Scheduling Performance Statistics


Scheduling Performance Statistics.rpt

Scheduling Pre-Check Builder


Scheduling Pre-check Builder.rpt

Scheduling Pre-Check Loader


Scheduling Pre-check Loader.rpt

Student Schedule


Student Schedule.rpt

Student Schedule (Elementary)


Student Schedule (Elementary).rpt

Student Schedule Matrix


Student Schedule Matrix.rpt

Student Schedule Matrix (Elementary)


Student Schedule Matrix (Elementary).rpt

Student Scheduling Load Summary


Student Scheduling Load Summary.rpt

Teacher Matrix by Day and Period


Teacher Matrix by Day Period.rpt

Teacher Schedule Matrix


Teacher Schedule Matrix.rpt

Teacher Schedule


Teacher Schedule.rpt


Unscheduled Rooms


Unscheduled Rooms.rpt

Unscheduled Student Analysis


Unscheduled Student Analysis.rpt

Unscheduled Students


Unscheduled Students.rpt

Unscheduled Teachers


Unscheduled Teachers.rpt

Student Behavior

Discipline Profile


Discipline Profile Report.rpt


ADA/ADM Summary


ADA Summary.rpt

Student Behavior Summary


Student Behavior Summary.rpt

Test Management

Student Test History


Student Test History Report.rpt

Student Test Profile


Student Test Profile.rpt

Test Scores Below Minimum Requirements


Test Scores Below Minimum Requirements.rpt

Test Session Details


Test Session Details Report.rpt

Test Session Summary


Test Session Summary Report.rpt

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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