| Reporting on information

Reporting on information

A typical PowerSchool SMS system is equipped with a variety of reports. A report gathers information from the system according to particular search criteria; for example, daily attendance, enrollment, and grade statistics. Reports enable teachers and other school staff to run daily tallies and spot exceptions, school administrators to assess and plan, and district administrators to analyze trends and report to other levels of government.

A report assembles the information for presentation on screen, in print, or in your choice of data formats. You need to run a report for it to begin its information assembly process. At the time you run a report, you may have the option of specifying additional parameters by means of preferences and filters; for example, for a report that generates a list of students with failing grades, you could specify only students in Grade 12. You can have PowerSchool SMS run a report at a specific time or regular interval.

Once a report is run, you often have the option of adjusting the presentation of the results by sorting rows and adding or removing columns. Moreover, you can save results as a list for later use. You have the option of customizing some or all of the reports in a system [>>].

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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