| Appendices > PowerSchool SMS Report Package reports > Summary reports > ADA/ADM Summary Report

ADA/ADM Summary Report

This report [Figure 527] enables a School Administrator to tally and compare ADA (Average Daily Attendance, that is, the average number of students per day recorded as "present") and ADM (Average Daily Membership, that is, the average number of students per day enrolled) for a specified date range or attendance period).

This report relies on how the school or district designates the various kinds of days it has set up [>>]: a day counted for membership is any day with a value other than 0; a day counted for attendance is any day designated for the taking of attendance.

Membership is calculated according to the Day Value. For example, for a half-day, where no classes are scheduled at all, the Day Value is set to 0.5 and the Take Att value is set to Yes, but the Instructional Day is set to No. If a student was scheduled to attend school for such a day, the student's ADM reflects only the portion of day enrolled in school, therefore the student's ADM would be 0.5.

Figure 527: ADA/ADM Report sample results

Report options include:

= Reporting Date: Sets the date range. Note: For Reporting Date, if you specify a Start or End date that falls outside the school calendar, PowerSchool SMS automatically adjusts the date of the report to match that of the school calendar. If both the start and end dates you specify both fall before or both after the school calendar, PowerSchool SMS does not adjust the dates, however the report generates a blank page.
= Calculate attendance statistics using:

Values: For a report based on values, the report draws on attendance code types (that is, Present, Absent, Tardy) and the values associated with different kinds of days (such as Teaching, Professional Development, Holiday). Note: If, for an enrolled student, no attendance is recorded, the report uses a null value.

Occurrences (number of times the student was given a code): Note: If, for an enrolled student, no attendance is recorded, the report considers it as 0 occurrences.

= Format:

By Grade

By Grade and Gender

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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