| District setup > District calendar setup > District Planning Calendar > District Planning Calendar setup

District Planning Calendar setup

Many elements of the district Planning Calendar are shared with the Active Calendar. Thus any changes to these elements in one calendar affect both calendars. Such elements include:

= Address validation setup: School entry grade levels, address exception reasons, and geocodes are shared between the active and Planning Calendars. For detailed information, refer to About Address Validation [>>].
= Buildings and rooms
= Grade levels [>>]
= Course Setup Lists [>>]
= Program setup [>>] : Shared, except program sessions.
= Saved lists
= Staff: Except staff course preferences (staff course preferences are calendar‑specific, but are only copied if a new planning schedule is copied from the Active Calendar [>>])

Some elements of the district Planning Calendar are copied from the Active Calendar when the District Administrator creates the planning calendar. Thereafter, these elements in the two calendars are separate—any changes to the elements in the Active Calendar do not affect their counterparts in the Planning Calendar. Indeed, some of these elements must be modified to suit the year being planned. Such elements include:

= Address exceptions: PowerSchool SMS calculates these values based on the address validation settings and the students' requested schools in the Planning Calendar. For detailed information, refer to Creating address exceptions [>>].
= Address validation setup: PowerSchool SMS copies address ranges from the Active Calendar to the Planning Calendar. (During Next‑Year Preparation [>>] and Year-End Processing [>>], PowerSchool SMS uses the address ranges from the Planning Calendar when projecting and assigning students to their next year school.) For detailed information, refer to About Address Validation [>>].
= Course catalog [>>] : We recommend that you set up as much of the course catalog as possible before creating the Planning Calendar.
= District-defined scheduling constraints [>>]
= Geocode map [>>]
= Program sessions [>>] : PowerSchool SMS creates program sessions in the Planning Calendar according to the Planning Calendar Option setting for the session the first time the nightly process is run only. PowerSchool SMS does not update program sessions in the Planning Calendar during subsequent nightly processes.
= School-defined scheduling constraints [>>] : Although school-defined constraints are not available in the district Planning Calendar, they will be available at the school when a School Administrator creates a school's Planning Calendar. Any school-defined constraints the District Administrator sets after creating the district Planning Calendar are not copied to the school Planning Calendar.
= Staff scheduling defaults [>>]
= Subject framework [>>] : We recommend that you set up as much of the subject framework as possible before creating the Planning Calendar.

Some elements of the district Planning Calendar are neither copied from the Active Calendar nor linked to it. The district administrator must set up these elements in the Planning Calendar.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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