| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Creating address exceptions

Creating address exceptions

If you know ahead of time that a student is requesting enrollment at an out-of-zone school, you can create and approve address exceptions prior to the student enrolling in the school. For example, if the district has a list of students who are to be enrolled in a magnet school, the district can create and approve address exceptions for those students so their enrollments can be processed when the school enrolls them.

Note: In addition to having appropriate permissions, on the General Preferences page, make sure Require district approval for address exceptions is selected.

To add an address exception[DA]

Figure 311: Address exceptions

A Possible statuses are:

Approved: The student can enroll in the out-of-zone school.

Pending: The district has not yet approved or rejected the request.

Rejected: The student cannot enroll in the out-of-zone school.

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