| Scheduling > Scheduling an elementary school > Set up classes

Class setup for an elementary school

[Applies to elementary schools]

As a School Administrator at an elementary school, you can find and view classes by subject, by teacher, or by room. You can adjust the setup of each class (for example, by changing the teacher(s) assigned to classes, the room, the name, or the meeting pattern) or assign the class to a particular teacher [>>] or room [>>].

To work with elementary school classes: [SA]

Figure 416: Class Setup page

A Subject: Click to edit the subject's scheduling rules [>>].

Figure 417: Class schedule -Teacher of Record

A Selected teacher: Enables you to adjust the teacher's settings, or delete the teacher's assignment to this class [>>].

Creating classes for a subject

PowerSchool SMS automatically sets up a new class for each subject for which the scheduling rule Can Schedule is selected [>>] and for which Number of Rosters is set to Specify [>>]. This new class PowerSchool SMS uses for automatic scheduling; you cannot delete it. When a class is created, PowerSchool SMS automatically assigns it to the default scheduling group [>>].

For a subject for which the scheduling rule Can Schedule is selected [>>], you can rename or delete classes, and add classes up to the specified maximum [>>]. When a class is created, PowerSchool SMS automatically assigns it to the default scheduling group [>>].

To create a class for a subject:

1 On the Class Setup page, under Subject Search Results, locate the subject in the grid.
2 For that subject, click Add Class [Figure 416]. A new class appears.

For a subject for which the scheduling rule Can Schedule is selected [>>], you can delete classes. For a subject for which the scheduling rule Can Schedule is not selected [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the subject's classes on the Class Setup page. Deleting a homeroom removes all classes assigned to that homeroom.

To delete a class from a subject:

1 On the Class Setup page, under Subject Search Results, locate the subject in the grid.
2 Select the class to delete.
3 From the Actions menu, select Delete Classes.

Assigning a class to a teacher

You can find and view classes organized by teacher. This facilitates the review of teacher assignments and the assigning of a class to one or more teachers.

To assign a class to a teacher: [SA]

Figure 418: Class Setup: By Teacher

A Teacher name
B Status: Indicates the teacher's scheduling conflicts
C Teacher number
D Selected class
E Add: Assigns the selected class(es) to the teacher.
To remove a teacher's class assignment : [SA]

Team teaching option

By setting a subject's scheduling rules, you can assign more than one teacher to a class (typically co-teachers or a teacher and teaching assistant) or change the Homeroom teacher automatically assigned by PowerSchool SMS to another teacher. Specifically, the subject's Default Teacher must be set to Homeroom Teacher and School Plans to Use Team Teaching selected [>>].

For example, in a school where Grade 3 students are required to take the core subject Language Arts, Mr. Smith (rather than the homeroom teacher) teaches all the Language Arts 3 classes. The School Administrator schedule this by doing the following:

1 For Language Arts 3, set the following scheduling rules on the Edit Subject page [>>]:
= Student: Select Automatically assign this subject to all students in grade 3.
= Default teacher: Select Homeroom teacher and School plans to use team teaching.
= Number of rosters: Select One roster per homeroom.
2 Locate all Language Arts 3 classes by searching with the criteria "Uses Team Teaching" equals "Yes" [>>].
3 For each Language Arts 3 class, set the Teacher to "Mr. Smith" [>>].
= You can also add a teacher by setting Other teacher.
= PowerSchool SMS sets Teacher automatically to the homeroom teacher.
= On the Classes page, under Flag, a "T" indicates that the class is being taught by a teacher other than the homeroom teacher.

Other examples of how the School plans to use team teaching option might be used include the following:

= The Homeroom 6-A teacher excels at teaching Math while the Homeroom 6-B teacher excels at teaching Social Studies. To make the most of these skills, the School Administrator would for Math 6 and Social Studies 6 select School plans to use team teaching then assign the Homeroom 6-A teacher to both Math classes and the Homeroom 6-B teacher to both Social Studies classes.
= Co-teaching a homeroom: Homeroom 4-A is a homeroom for which Mr. Jones, a math specialist, and Mrs. Garcia, a Social Studies specialist, share responsibility. To accommodate this, the School Administrator would for Math 4 and Social Studies 4 select School plans to use team teaching then assign Mr. Jones to Homeroom 4-A's Math class and Mrs. Garcia to its Social Studies 4 class.
= Assigning certain students to certain teachers: At a school where Grade 5 has three levels of Math, weaker, regular, and stronger, and three Grade 5 homerooms, 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C, the 5-A teacher teaches the weaker group, the 5-B teacher teaches the regular group, and the 5-C teacher teaches the stronger group. You can transfer each Grade 5 student from the default class roster to the class roster that best suits their mathematics ability. For Math 5, set the following scheduling rules on the Edit Subject page [>>]: Student: Select Automatically assign this subject to all students in grade 5; Default teacher: Select Homeroom teacher and School plans to use team teaching; Number of rosters: Select One roster per homeroom. Locate and select Math 5 classes: 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C [>>]. Transfer students between the selected classes as necessary [>>]. (On the Classes list, under Flag, an "S" indicates that the class has students from outside the homeroom.)

Assigning a class to a room

You can find and view classes organized by room. This facilitates assessing the distribution of classes and of assigning a class to a room. You can assign each class to only one room.

To assign a class to a room: [SA]
To remove a class's room assignment: [SA]

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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