| School setup > Attendance setup > Setting the default attendance code

Setting the default attendance code

You can specify a default attendance code for the school, that is, the code that PowerSchool SMS assigns to every student in every class and homeroom at the start of each day. You can set the default attendance code to one of the following:

= Present: Also known as exception attendance. PowerSchool SMS records the student as present unless a staff member records otherwise. The Present-type school attendance code that PowerSchool SMS records is that which is assigned to the "P" quick-entry button [>>].
= Absent: Also known as positive attendance. PowerSchool SMS records the student as absent unless a staff member records otherwise. The Absent-type school attendance code that PowerSchool SMS records is that which is assigned to the "P" quick-entry button [>>].

Caution: Changing the default attendance code has a retroactive effect. If you change the default attendance code after attendance has been recorded, PowerSchool SMS changes all attendance codes that were used by default to the new default attendance code.

To set the default attendance code for a school [SA]:

Table 36: Permissions pertaining to attendance code setup


Permission Name

Set to


Set up attendance codes

School Setup > Attendance Code Setup List



Setting a default attendance code for a class or homeroom

Once you set a default attendance code for the school, you have the option of setting a different one for specific classes or homerooms; for example, in a school using Present as the default code might have an independent study class that uses Absent. When you change the default attendance code for a class or homeroom, PowerSchool SMS also changes the code associated with the relevant (Present/Absent/Tardy) quick-entry button for this class [>>]. The procedure differs by school and class type.

To set the default attendance code for an elementary school class [SA]:
To set the default attendance code for a secondary school class [SA]:
To set the default attendance code for a homeroom [SA]:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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