| Scheduling > Scheduling an elementary school > Create student schedules

Student schedule creation

[Applies to elementary school scheduling.]

Once the elementary school scheduling structure is complete [see Scheduling an elementary school >>], as a School Administrator, you can initiate a process whereby PowerSchool SMS creates a student schedule for each student in all subjects that are set to be auto-scheduled [>>]. Typically, you initiate this process in the Planning Calendar [>>] or in the Active Calendar [>>] early in the school year before grades or attendance have been recorded. Caution: If grades or attendance has been recorded for a student, PowerSchool SMS cannot create that student's schedule.

PowerSchool SMS bases its schedule for a student on his or her planned grade level and homeroom. All students at an elementary school must be assigned to a homeroom [>>]. PowerSchool SMS uses a student's homeroom assignment to assign that student to core subject classes for which it sets up class rosters. You can adjust these rosters by transferring students between classes [>>].

Note: Students must all be assigned to a homeroom before PowerSchool SMS can create their schedules. To quickly determine which students have yet to be assigned to a homeroom, search for students [>>], and sort the search results by homeroom (HR). Students with no homeroom assigned ("N/A") appear together.

To create student schedules: [SA]

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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