| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Automatic Address Validation setup > Turn on Automatic Address Validation

Turn on Automatic Address Validation

Before you turn on Automatic Address Validation, perform the following actions:

= Set the year-end transfer method to Geocode Map see Year-end transfer method [>>].
= Assign all students a geocode see Ensure students are assigned a geocode [Geocode Map method only] [>>].
Note: Assigning a geocode to every student is important because when you activate address validation, PowerSchool SMS recalculates all students' geocodes; any student without a geocode is deleted from his or her projected schools during the Next-Year Preparation process.
= Enter all address ranges see Set up address ranges for Automatic Address Validation [>>] .
= Update the Geocode Map [see Define the geocode map for address validation >>].
= Ensure Geocode is not selected as a required or recommended field for registration and enrollment see Student enrollment setup [>>] .
To turn on Automatic Address Validation:[DA]

Figure 306: Address Validation

A Method of generating address range numbers:
Note: This setting does not affect imported address range numbers; it applies only to new address ranges created in PowerSchool SMS.

Automatic: If you select this option, PowerSchool SMS automatically generates address range numbers, starting at 1 and incrementing by 1. You cannot change these numbers.

Manual: If you select this option, you will need to manually enter address range numbers when you define address ranges see Set up address ranges for Automatic Address Validation [>>].


Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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