| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Automatic Address Validation setup > Set up address ranges for Automatic Address Validation

Set up address ranges for Automatic Address Validation

Automatic Address Validation [>>] uses address ranges to determine the boundaries for each school. An address range is a group of house numbers on a particular street. The address range is associated with a geocode [>>]; PowerSchool SMS assigns the geocode to the students whose physical address is within the address range. A school's entry grade level is also associated with the geocode. If students enroll in a school that does not match the geocode of their physical address, they are considered out-of-zone [>>] for that school and, depending on the district setup, an address exception approval may be required by the district [>>].

There are several different setup options available for setting up address ranges. They have the ability to set up:

= A different address range for each side of the street, identified by odd or even house numbers
= A single address range for the entire street
= Multiple address ranges for a single geocode; however, you cannot have one address range that falls within two geocodes; if a street spans two geocodes, create a separate address range for each geocode.
= One set of address ranges for the active calendar and another set for the planning calendar

Note: You cannot have one address range that falls within two geocodes. If a street spans two geocodes, create a separate address range for each.

To allow for changes to address ranges from year to year, you can set up different addresses for the planning and active calendars [>>]. When you create a planning calendar, address ranges that have been set up in the active calendar are copied to the planning calendar. You can then make changes to the address ranges in the planning calendar without affecting the address ranges in the active calendar.

PowerSchool SMS allows you to enter address ranges manually or import them. The following procedure describes the process of manually entering address ranges. For information about importing address ranges, see Overview of Import/Export [>>].

Caution: If you change or delete an existing address range, current student addresses may become invalid

To manually enter an address range:[DA]

Figure 305: Address setup

A The unique number that identifies this address range.
Note:If the Method for generating address range numbers option on the General Preferences page has been set to automatically generate address range numbers, you cannot modify this field [>>].

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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