| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Define Setup Lists

Define Address Data Setup List

Note: Setup Lists [>>] appear in both the active calendar and the planning calendar [>>]; therefore, when you add or update a setup list in one calendar, that Setup List also appears in the other calendar.

For Address Validation to work correctly, there are three address setup list items that must be in place in PowerSchool SMS in a specific format. These setup list items are:

= Address Type: Ensure the Short Code is entirely in upper case (for example, the short code for street must be entered as "ST", not "st" or "St"). Note: AlthoughPowerSchool SMS comes with many street types already set up in the Address Type setup list (such as Street, Avenue, Crescent, and so on), you will likely need to add some street types for the particular city in which the schools in your district reside. Also ensure all the applicable school categories are selected
= Country: Ensure the Description for United States is "USA" and for Canada it is "Canada".
= State or Province setup list: ensure the StateShort Code is in upper case; for example, TX, TN, BC.
To update address Setup Lists:[DA]

Define address exception reasons

In general, students enroll in the school that serves the geographical area where they live — their zoned school. If a student wants to enroll in a school outside their geographical area, users can select a reason the student is enrolling in an out-of-zone school.

If the Require district approval for address exceptions option is selected in general preferences, then an exception reason must be specified for all out-of-zone enrollment requests. The exception reasons are defined in the Exception Reason setup list.

You can manually set up address exception reasons or import them. The following procedure describes the process for manually defining exception reasons. For information about importing setup list items, see Overview of Import/Export [>>].

To define address exception reasons manually:[DA]

Set up Geocodes for address validation

In PowerSchool SMS, geocodes are geographical identifier codes that are used to define geographical areas. When you set up address ranges for Automatic Address Validation, you associate each geocode with specific address ranges. Then, when you set up the Geocode Map, you assign geocodes to entry grade levels at specific schools. Students whose addresses are within the range associated with a specific geocode are considered in zone for the school that is assigned that geocode.

Geocodes are defined in the Geocode setup list. Before you can assign geocodes to address ranges and schools, you must ensure that all the geocodes in your district have been added to the Geocode setup list.

Since geocodes can include letters, as well as numbers, they are sorted by digit. For example, 1, 2, and 12 are sorted 1, 12, 2. To ensure geocodes sort in a logical order, pad geocodes with leading zeros to make them the same length. For example, if geocodes can have up to four digits, enter 1 and 2 as 0001 and 0002.

You can enter geocodes manually or import them. The following procedure describes the process for manually defining geocodes. For information about importing, see Overview of Import/Export [>>].

To manually enter geocodes:[DA]

Figure 303: Merge Setup List

A Select the item to merge
B Select the item(s) to be merged to the selected item.

Figure 304: Assign Setup List

A Select the school to assign the setup items to
B Select the items to be assigned to the school.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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