| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > About Google Maps Address Validation

About Google Maps Address Validation

Google Maps mapping is integrated with PowerSchool SMS. Google Maps provides street maps that enable you to validate a student's address from within the student's demographic record see Validate addresses with Google Maps [>>]. You can also use Google Maps for batch address validation, where you validate multiple student addresses at once.

Note: For large districts, we recommend that before you begin using Google Maps for batch address validation you contact Google Maps to obtain a license key that you enter into PowerSchool SMS. For further information, see Get Google Maps key for high volume [>>].

How you use Google Maps address validation depends on your district's setup:

= If your district allows the manual entry of addresses, use Google Maps to confirm that a manually entered address exists and select a different address if it does not.
= If your district does not allow manual entry of addresses, use Google Maps to confirm that an address is valid. Contact the system administrator if the address is invalid.

In addition, you can set up district and school boundaries, and then have Google Maps check student addresses against those boundaries see Defining Address Validation boundaries [>>].

Using Google Maps with Automatic Address Validation
Using Google Maps without Automatic Address Validation

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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