| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Google Maps setup > Get Google Maps key for high volume

Get Google Maps key for high volume

Google Maps geocoding requests (that is, address validation requests) are counted against a Google Maps geocode request quota that is associated with each user's IP address. Each PowerSchool SMS user has a quota of 15,000 geocode requests per day at a maximum rate of 5 geocodes per second. No matter how many users you add to PowerSchool SMS, typically you will not run into quota limits (which can produce incorrect error messages) because each new user brings their own quota.

However, if you have a large number of staff using Google Maps behind a proxy server, it is possible to exceed quota limits. This is because, when using a proxy server, all users share the same quota of 15,000 geocode requests per day and all of the users' requests appear to Google Maps to originate from the same IP address.

If you require a high volume geocoding service, you can purchase a Google Maps API for Business license. For further information, go to https://developers.google.com/maps/licensing.

To enter the Google key into PowerSchool SMS:[DA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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