| District setup > Address and Boundary Validation > Address Validation setup > Google Maps setup > Defining address validation boundaries

Defining Address Validation boundaries

To define boundaries, district users set up school and district boundaries in PowerSchool SMS using Google Maps [Figure 309]. After boundaries are set up, district and school users can run the PowerSchool SMS boundary validation process, which identifies student addresses as being inside or outside the defined district or school boundary.

When you define boundaries, a geographical boundary is captured within Google Maps, called an encoded polyline. The encoded polyline is made up of sets of latitude and longitude pairs that mark the boundary. When you define a boundary, the encoded polyline [Figure 310] is created and displayed on the District Setup > District Profile page and the District Setup > School Info > School Info Detail page (for schools).

= If you know boundaries will not change in the next school year, define boundaries for the active calendar and leave the planning calendar boundaries blank.

When the planning calendar is created for the new school year, the Next-Year Preparation task will copy the active calendar boundaries to the planning calendar.

= If you know boundaries will be different in the next school year, set up separate boundaries for the active calendar and planning calendars.

When the planning calendar is created for the new school year, the Next-Year Preparation task will copy the planning calendar boundaries to the next year planning calendar.

For further information about calendars and about the Next-Year Preparation task, see Next-year preparation [>>].

To define district and school boundaries:[DA]

Figure 309: Boundary definitions

A Map Center - Click inside the map to define the latitude and longitude for the location of map center.

Figure 310: Encoded polyline

A Geographical boundary, called an encoded polyline.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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