| Scheduling > Setting up a schedule structure > Scheduling constraints for Data Mapping

Scheduling constraints for Data Mapping

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

On a system that relies on data mapping [>>], there are some constraints to be aware of when setting up scheduling.

Bell schedules [>>]:

= Each day in a day pattern must have the same bell schedule, including the same periods and the same number of instructional minutes in periods with the same code. For example, if on Monday, period 1 had 50 instructional minutes, period 1 must have 50 instructional minutes for every day in the day pattern. Periods within one day can have different amounts of instructional minutes.
= Each day in the day pattern can have a maximum of 42 periods.
= Periods cannot overlap.
= If more than one scheduling group is defined (for example, to support exception days), the bell schedule must be the same in both scheduling groups, that is, the period codes and period start and end times must be the same.

Scheduling groups [>>]:

= All scheduling groups must have the same bell schedule, that is, the period codes and period start and end times must be the same. An administrator can create different meeting patterns based on the bell schedules to accommodate different class types.

Special days [>>]:

= Data mapping does not support Special Days. Instead, the administrator must use the same bell pattern for all days in the day pattern. To accommodate different class types, the administrator can create different meeting patterns [>>].

Terms [>>]:

= The administrator can define a maximum of 12 unique term ranges for each school year. Where the administrator has combined terms to form another term, that term does not count toward the maximum number of allowed terms. For example, if an administrator has three term sets (year, quarters, and semesters) then the total number of terms is seven (1 + 4 + 2). However, since the administrator can combine the quarters to form both the semesters and the year, only the four terms in the quarters are counted toward the maximum number of terms.
= Terms within the same term set cannot overlap.

Class attributes [>>]:

= The administrator must create classes [>>] for all courses taught at the school (which are based on the district's course catalog [>>]).
= The administrator is able to vary the room and assigned teacher for each time a class meets.

Class teachers [>>]:

= The administrator can assign up to three teachers to each class. These teachers map as follows:

Teacher 1 maps to Main Teacher

Teacher 2 maps to Team Teacher

Teacher 3 maps to Teacher Aide

Reservation labels [>>]:

= During data mapping, PowerSchool SMS does not copy reservation labels.

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