| School and district operation > Maintaining information availability

Maintaining information availability

Due to the evolution of PowerSchool SMS and its database architecture, it may be necessary to periodically map information stored in a system [About data mapping >>]. Mapping ensures that all the information stored in a PowerSchool SMS system is available for reports [>>].

Note: If a system relies on mapping, system users may be subject to some constraints as to data entry for grading and scheduling setup.

About data mapping

PowerSchool SMS is a mature software product that PowerSchool has enhanced over many years of continuous development. Moreover, there are many PowerSchool SMS systems in operation storing large amounts of data. Enhancements to PowerSchool SMS are constrained by older aspects of its database architecture. Recent versions of PowerSchool SMS bypass these constraints by using a new database schema or tables. These developments make it necessary, however, to consolidate the data in the old schema, that is, in common tables.

To be more specific, certain data stored in a PowerSchool SMS schools, such as student class schedules, attendance, and grading, is stored in a new set of database tables. For this data to be available to reports and for uploading to a parent portal [>>], it must be transferred to the common set of tables.

For details as to which tables are mapped, refer to the PowerSchool SMS Data Dictionary [>>].

Mapping a system's data

You can map a system's data when necessary or set up a regularly scheduled time for PowerSchool SMS to do it automatically. Allow up to eight hours for the mapping process.

Caution: Before mapping a system's data, we recommend that you back up your system's database [>>].

Note: After mapping is complete, we recommend that you perform Database Maintenance [>>]. This improves the performance of tasks that rely on the mapped data, such as reports.

Note: After mapping is complete, we recommend that before running extracts and EIS reports (for Tennessee customers) you run district calculations.

To map a school's data [DA]:
To schedule PowerSchool SMS to map data automatically [DA]:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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