| Scheduling > Setting up a schedule structure > Setting up bell schedules

Setting up bell schedules

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

A bell schedule specifies the start time and duration of one or more instructional periods on each day of a day pattern. You set up one bell schedule for each scheduling group [>>]. For example, a school can have one bell schedule for the "Homerooms" scheduling group and a different bell schedule for the "Classes" scheduling group. You can define a different schedule of periods for each day in a day pattern [>>].

You set up a bell schedule by adding periods to each day of a day pattern. Once you have set up the periods for a particular day, you can copy those periods to other days in the bell schedule [>>]. After you set up periods for all days in the day pattern, you can copy the entire bell schedule to other scheduling groups [>>].

Note: To support data mapping [>>], every day in a day pattern must have the same bell schedule/period structure, including the same periods and the same number of instructional minutes in periods with the same code. For example, if on Monday, period 1 had 50 instructional minutes, period 1 must have 50 instructional minutes for every other day in the day pattern. Periods within one day can have different amounts of instructional minutes. Also, each day in the day pattern can have a maximum of 42 periods and those periods cannot overlap. If more than one scheduling group is defined (for example, to support exception days), the bell schedule must be the same in both scheduling groups, that is, the period codes and period start and end times must be the same.

Figure 419: Bell Schedules page

A Scheduling Group: The group to which this bell schedule applies.
B Day: The day in the day pattern to which the periods apply.
C Details: Hold the cursor over the icon to view a summary of this period. Click to edit the period.
To set up a bell schedule: [SA]

Copying a day's schedule to another day

You can set up periods for a day and then copy those periods to other days in the same bell schedule. Caution: Copying a day's schedule to another day may affect daily code calculation rules, meeting patterns, or exception day types.

To copy a day's schedule to another day in the day pattern:

Copying a bell schedule to another scheduling group

After you set up periods for all days for a scheduling group, you can copy the bell schedule for all the days to other scheduling groups. Caution: Copying a bell schedule to another scheduling group may affect daily code calculation rules, meeting patterns, or exception day types.

To copy the bell schedule for all days in one scheduling group to another: [SA]

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