| Scheduling > Setting up a schedule structure > Setting up term sets [secondary]

Setting up term sets [secondary]

[Applies to secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

A term set enables you to divide the school year into segments. A term set consists of one or more terms in sequence, each with a start and end date. For example, a school on a semester system would have a term set with two terms; a school on a trimester schedule would employ a term set with three terms.

You can put classes into more than one term set; that is, some students can follow one term set and others follow another term set. You can also put a student into classes in different term sets.

Create as many term sets as necessary. A scheduling group [>>] is assigned one term set.

To work with a term set: [SA]

Note: For data mapping [>>], you can define a maximum of 12 unique term ranges for each school year. If you can combine terms to form another term, that term does not count toward the maximum number of allowed terms. For example, if there are three term sets (year, quarters, and semesters) then the total number of terms is seven (1 + 4 + 2). However, since the quarters can be combined to form both the semesters and the year, only the four terms in the quarters are counted toward the maximum number of terms. Terms within the same term set cannot overlap.

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